Started NLP 3 weeks ago.

Today was day 1 of my fourth week.

Week 1 day 1 started with
Squat 155x3x5
Press 95x3x5
Deadlift 245x5
Bench beginning 135x3x5

Squat 255x3x5
Bench 165x3x5
Deadlift 355x5
Last press was 120x3x5

Best lifts ever were :
Squat 520x1 in wraps, 500x1 in sleeves
Bench 325x1 315x3
Deadlift 505x2 (should have gotten 520 in comp but got overly excited and messed up)
Press 215 or 220x1
Push press 250x1
Log press 252x1
Circus Dumbell 135 or 140x1

All those were around 2020-2022ish.
Summer 2022 climbing a fence resulted in needing surg ery which I’ve yet to get, so bench got back to 245, and log to 227. Push press 210. A year ago.

A year of boxing and not training strength as priority, now wanting some strength back.

Hit some of my best numbers weighing around 275 at 5’10 in 2020
Best squat was in the 220s in 2021 or 22.
Hit 247 log at 225bw vs 252 at 275.

Currently 208