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Thread: How's my Power Clean ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France

    Default How's my Power Clean ?

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    Good afternoon,

    looks like it's Power Clean Feedabck Day today, so I tought I would join the queue and ask the community for opinions on my form. Here are two videos from yesterday's session. Both done at 145#.

    After the links, some of my own opinons and questions. You might want to try to see the videos first and make a mental note of your comments before reading mine, so that you won't be unduly influenced.
    In any case, I thank you for taking the time and trouble to make a comment. set 2 - front view set 5 - side view

    I've got some general questions plus a very specific one about my PC. The general ones are pretty standard: how does it look ? isn't the bar trajectory a bit too wide as I "explode" upwards ? Is the start position ok ? what do you think of the feet ?

    The specific question is about the position of my elbows when racking the bar, and requires some slo-mo of the front view video to be appreciated. My elbows seem to be uneven as the bar lands on the shoulders. Some time the right elbow is higher than the left (by many inches), sometimes is the opposite (not in these sets, but I've seen it in others).

    I can't point out where this originates from. In the video, the elbows seem to be level when the bar reaches the highest point of its path. In that istant, both elbows seem ok, directly under the bar. From there onwards, something happens, and results in me catching the bar with one elbow high, and the corresponding shoulder a bit further forward than the other. But it might be that I am not jumping straight (there seems to be a slight tendency to veer to my left), or other stuff that I just cant' appreciate.

    Anyway, all opinions on this issue will be welcome.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Is that a junior/ladies bar?

    It looks like you are relying heavily on bouncing off the thighs.

    Also the bar path is not at all straight. First it swings away then moves onto shoulders in an arc.

    The bar should travel upwards in a straight line, and you should move yourself under the bar as necessary. If you make the explosion/jump when the bar is higher on your thigh it is less likely to swing away.

    Doing hang cleans can make it more difficult to rely on thigh bouncing. It will also be less taxing than pulling off the floor which is good when you want to focus on form.

    But your beginning position looks solid anyhow.

    Also, nice tights.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Nashville, TN


    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    Good afternoon,

    looks like it's Power Clean Feedabck Day today, so I tought I would join the queue and ask the community for opinions on my form. Here are two videos from yesterday's session. Both done at 145#.

    After the links, some of my own opinons and questions. You might want to try to see the videos first and make a mental note of your comments before reading mine, so that you won't be unduly influenced.
    In any case, I thank you for taking the time and trouble to make a comment. set 2 - front view set 5 - side view

    I've got some general questions plus a very specific one about my PC. The general ones are pretty standard: how does it look ? isn't the bar trajectory a bit too wide as I "explode" upwards ? Is the start position ok ? what do you think of the feet ?

    The specific question is about the position of my elbows when racking the bar, and requires some slo-mo of the front view video to be appreciated. My elbows seem to be uneven as the bar lands on the shoulders. Some time the right elbow is higher than the left (by many inches), sometimes is the opposite (not in these sets, but I've seen it in others).

    I can't point out where this originates from. In the video, the elbows seem to be level when the bar reaches the highest point of its path. In that istant, both elbows seem ok, directly under the bar. From there onwards, something happens, and results in me catching the bar with one elbow high, and the corresponding shoulder a bit further forward than the other. But it might be that I am not jumping straight (there seems to be a slight tendency to veer to my left), or other stuff that I just cant' appreciate.

    Anyway, all opinions on this issue will be welcome.

    As regards the elbows, I don't know what might be causing this. Happens to me sometimes. Never caused me to miss a rep that I know of.

    The only major critique that I have is that you're not finishing the second pull. It's difficult to see without slo-mo, but it appears that you're dropping under the bar for the catch before you've executed full extension at the knees, hips, etc. Revisit the jump shrug that Rip teaches as part of the learning progression for the power clean. Do this during the warm-up next time you do cleans. Really focus on getting full extension, try to "hit your head on the ceiling" when you jump. Then, during your actual worksets, tell yourself "Finish the pull!!!" Only once you've finished the pull should the feet stamp back down, not before.

    Not getting full extension will eventually lead to missed reps at heavier weights. Fix this now so that it doesn't become a huge problem later.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    OK three thing two of which are repeaet and agreements with above.

    Either your a giant, were talking 8 foot or over and 300+ lbs or your using a small short bar. Use a full sized Oly bar.

    Your not finishing the pull get patient, you never finsih the hip extension and the bar is well on its flight up and to far from the body. You will get away with that at these loads but not heavier ones. Finish the pull and that bar should travel right up your shirt. if it ever hits your chest on the way up, good you know its close, so it just needs to be a fraction of an inch further away then that.

    Elbows.Your not smacking them up. Thsi could be do to you stil relying on them some for the motion up to the shoulders as a result of you not finishing the pull. After thje pull all you should be thingking with youer arms is hammersing these elboes high and explosvie like your going to elbow someone in the chin. Watch your vidoe and you catch the bar then the elbows finish getting turned high. Practice Fast elbows and they should reach that high position when the bar is caught not after.

    Itas not a terrible PC I'm sure we've all sen much worse you just have some clean up to do.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    Hello again,

    I'm not a giant, and that's a short bar. I use that because all the other bars, regular size, are used in racks and for benches. So using a regular bar would imply stopping someone else from squatting or benching, and I think this would be inconsiderate.

    I can see everyone agrees that the second pull needs corrections. Regarding this main point, I have a questionn, which is best introduced using Phil's words: "Your not finishing the pull get patient".
    Does it you mean I am starting to jump too early? that is, I should hit my jumping position with the bar higher ?

    thanks a lot for your time guys, I'm very grateful.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    It means your not finishing the hip extension, If you want to call it a jump fine as I know thats the way mark teaches it and it works.

    Your PC, It's like your doing a vertical jump but your stopping the motion and leaving the ground prior to the hip extension finishing, your legs are not straight. Finish it and yes the bar should run up your thighs more.

    There are two perfectly good bars sitting there unattended in your videos. There is a difference between consideration and first come first serve. They can wait on your much as you would have to for them if they got to the bar prior and were using it for bb curls and skull crushers. A olympic bar is a crucial element in performing a clean

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    starting strength coach development program

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Stevens View Post
    It means your not finishing the hip extension, If you want to call it a jump fine as I know thats the way mark teaches it and it works.

    Your PC, It's like your doing a vertical jump but your stopping the motion and leaving the ground prior to the hip extension finishing, your legs are not straight. Finish it and yes the bar should run up your thighs more.

    Thanks for making this clear. Not a great result after six months. I'll need to apply some major re-engineering to the lift.

    One final note about the bar: I hear what you say. And yet, the bar is identical in diameter to the other, longer ones. Apart from some polar momentum, I think the substitution is acceptable.


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