Aww i feel rejected. I know it's not as cool as brute's 245lb single but any help would be good.
Ok so from last time i've tried to get more under the bar a lot earlier like you guys said, and to lean the head back as well. Comments?
Normal side view - 43kg
You guys wanted to see a full body view, and this was the only angle i could get since i don't have much space in my room.
Aww i feel rejected. I know it's not as cool as brute's 245lb single but any help would be good.
dude, how old are you? i'm fucking jealous that you have a power rack and its even beside your(?) bed! wish i had a home gym.
These look pretty good to me, Confuzz. You're doing well to get your whole torso under the bar.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again, that you would be much better off not pausing for so long at the top. Take a short, sharp breath, and keep going quickly into the next rep. In my experience, a fast set is a good set for pressing (as long as you don't neglect to stay tight).