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Thread: Bench Check.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Bench Check.

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    So like some others on this board, my bench is not strong. At least in my opinion. My squat, clean, deadlift and press are all at reasonable levels. However, I cannot get past 190lbs on my bench. This is my second attempt at getting past this sticking point. I was originally gonna microload to 187.5. However, when i went to buy my microplates today, the store was closed. Stupidly, I just went for 190. You will see the results below. My question is: is there anything technique wise that I can improve on or that is definitely holding my bench back?

    What do you guys think?

    Enjoy the failure on my third set. So...Close.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by mcsquared View Post
    I was originally gonna microload to 187.5. However, when i went to buy my microplates today, the store was closed.
    My suggestions:
    • Get microplates
    • Always bench with a spotter on work sets
    • Your elbows are a wiggly and your back is not very arched. SS has some information of use on these topics, especially back position.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Can't see your wrists in the second set, but in the third set it looks like the bar is in your palm and not on the heel of the hand as described in the book.

    Also, I can't tell from the video from set 2 to set 3, but try to make sure the bar is following the same path - hitting the bottom of the chest at the bottom and just finding its way into your field of vision at the top. It might be fine, but just that the camera angle changed.

    And others might want to comment, but I think your elbows are too far out with your arms making too close to 90 degrees with your torso. I think that is what TomC was trying to say. It looks like they are in good position at the bottom, but move toward your head on the way up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    in the second video i noticed your right leg moving, as in your foot moved. your feet should be planted, that could help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    Hi MCC,

    my bench sucks, and my squat is not much better. So you might want to stop reading now as my words carry little weight (not just figuratively).
    But just in case, here's a couple fo things I see from the video.

    You make a nice arch as you settle on the bench. Then loose it, and lift the bar off the hooks. Which leads me to the second point, below.

    You should set and tense everything up first, then lift the bar. Instead, you seem to do it the other way round. You lift the bar first, then try to set yourself. But it's difficult to do while holding the bar. So difficult that your arch is much lower than the one you do during your preparation. It's not just your arch. Your whole upper body is not quite solid, you rock a bit sideways as the bar moves, and there's some movement in the soulders as you pause between reps.

    So my advice, for what is worth, would be to really take the time to set yourself up nice and tight. And then, only then, raise the bar and get in position.
    And maybe take a moment after each rep to check you are still tight, your scapulae are still as abducted as possible, your shoulders are as tucked in as far as you can, you legs are still solid on the floor and driving back to help you keep the arch.
    Hope this helps,


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Yeah, what I really think happened with this was I never really had an arch in my back and as the set progressed it just got worse and worse till it was part of the failure.

    Also, my left leg definitely moved and wasn't braced correctly. Meh, thats what I get for rushing. I'll be doing 187.5 for reps on Friday so we'll see how that goes.

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