Looks good overall. Your toes are pointing outwards a surprising amount (past 45 degrees) - I don't know the circumstances behind this, but it is unusual to say the least.
3x5 116kg, I guess its not really good for six months lifting is it?
I am concerned about depth/lumber extension.
Thanks for viewing.
Looks good overall. Your toes are pointing outwards a surprising amount (past 45 degrees) - I don't know the circumstances behind this, but it is unusual to say the least.
Nice squats. I think the toe angle might be a bit extreme, but if you have no knee pain and you're tall enough to warrant use, then keep it like that.
I am 196cm tall, I know my toes are pointed out to the extreme but I find it helpful in order to push my knees out.
Never had serious injurious.
Depth is fine. You could use more lumbar extension. You don't look inflexible and your knees stay shoved out so I think it's a kinesthetic issue. You are leading up with your head - i.e., extending your cervical spine. I wonder if you are thinking about extending your lumbar spine but don't quite know how. It's relatively common for someone who doesn't know how to extend the lumbar spine to extend the neck instead. If this is true for you, try the exercise on page 118, the part in the third pane. If that doesn't help, another thing that could would be to concentrate on your valsalva.
Very helpful
It annoys me that after several months I still dont have it perfect