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Thread: New tall guys deadlift.

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koalala View Post
    They probably look small since I am almost 2m.

    It's carpet but it's not squishy, really thin layerd I guess.

    The other gym in town was not letting me use chalk and I could not military press since I would have hit the cealing.
    Its a commercial gym no doubt, but they have free barbells a squat rack and they allow me to use chalk I guess thats enough for me to progress on.

    I will stop looking in the mirror immediatly .
    What crap gyms.. I'm 188cm so not as tall as you, but still pretty tall. I've never been in a gym with such low ceilings.. Essentially you're talking about ceiling as low as the ones in people's houses.. WTF

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Other than the lumbar flexion issue, I think your hips might be too high. Your scapulas are in front of the bar, when they should be directly over the bar. I think this is why the bar swings out from your legs.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by LondonTiger View Post
    chin up, chest up, hips up from starting position.

    You'll fuck up your back if you lift like that with a decent amount of weight.

    your face should be more vertical.. rather than horizontal, and holding your head in that posisition seems to do something magical that allows you to lift better.

    Chest up is important as it keeps your back straight... atm you chest is neutral position, which is making you lower back arch a little.

    Hips need to be higher, it will push your knees back a little, and allow you to clear the bar better.

    Read the book
    It's already a decent amount of weight since it was my workset. 1x5 (145kg)
    I think people are missing the fact that it is my workset and not warm ups with 60kg.

    I will actively think about keeping chest up though ;-)

    I have read the book stop insulting me by telling me otherwise
    Last edited by Koalala; 04-07-2010 at 01:30 AM.

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