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Thread: I absolutely positively cannot get rid of "butt wink"

  1. #11
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    Butt rotating down a bit towards the bottom of a squat, with associated loss of lumbar extension.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSev View Post
    I know that, but I'm not worried about the negative.
    You should be, because it probably relates to your problem on the way up on the DL and to your squat problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSev View Post
    What's the real difference between stiff legged DL's and RDL's?
    There is no better explanation and demonstration of the Romanian Deadlift than the video Dan John did for Fitcast.
    Scroll down to episode 6. It's almost an hour long, but watch the whole thing as there is some very valuable info there.

  3. #13
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    For me I find butt wink to be a problem with a narrow stance, atg squat where I am still trying to lift low bar. If I widen my stance slightly, and squat to parallel OR switch to a high bar position then the back issue magically disappears.

    If I try to do a low bar Olympic squat however then not surprisingly I have a tough time with killer back pumps.

    .... So you might consider your squatting style and technique as well as the range of motion you are going for.

    I have a hard time imagining having a problem with butt wink when squatting to parallel with a low bar squat, feet slightly wider than shoulders, and low bar position.

  4. #14
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    What if you are too inflexible to shove the knees out? =\

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnivroar View Post
    What if you are too inflexible to shove the knees out? =\
    The knees only have to shove out enough to track parallel with the foot. It's not exactly a yoga position. Before my legs toughened up a bit I used to have a strength problem keeping my knees out but now I only notice that when I am lifting >95% of my 1RM.

    IF you is too inflexible to shove your knees out to align with your feet then squat down stick your elbows into your knees, push them out and hold them in the right position for 30 seconds, 3 or 4 times, twice a day for a couple of weeks and your problem will be solved.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertFontaine View Post
    The knees only have to shove out enough to track parallel with the foot. It's not exactly a yoga position. Before my legs toughened up a bit I used to have a strength problem keeping my knees out but now I only notice that when I am lifting >95% of my 1RM.

    IF you is too inflexible to shove your knees out to align with your feet then squat down stick your elbows into your knees, push them out and hold them in the right position for 30 seconds, 3 or 4 times, twice a day for a couple of weeks and your problem will be solved.
    It actually hurts to get into that position. Maybe I am too inflexible. I will work on it.

  7. #17
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    Well for the hell of it, here's a deadlift video from today. I know the video angle sucks, the camera was literally leaning against a wall. Best I could do where I was.

    I think I'm trying to lock out with my back before my knees are locked out ("stand up"). And on the negative I tried to do a little better, I feel like I SLDL'd the weight down a bit though (was training SLDL for a while).

  8. #18
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    You're still bending your knees too early on the descent. But otherwise I can't see shit really.

    Anyways, take this from someone who has been squatting with a butt wink for 6 months. STRETCH. It works. Two days made a huge difference on my squats.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnivroar View Post
    You're still bending your knees too early on the descent. But otherwise I can't see shit really.

    Anyways, take this from someone who has been squatting with a butt wink for 6 months. STRETCH. It works. Two days made a huge difference on my squats.
    Yeah I have been, doing a lot of hip flexor, hamstring, and lower back stretches...I've always had really really tight hip flexors...takes me forever to get warmed up just to be able to do a squat.

    By "can't see shit" do you mean it's just a sucky video (which I agree with), or you see nothing else wrong? I know I'm breaking my knees early, I wasn't thinking enough about it and that's my fault.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSev View Post
    Yeah I have been, doing a lot of hip flexor, hamstring, and lower back stretches...I've always had really really tight hip flexors...takes me forever to get warmed up just to be able to do a squat.

    By "can't see shit" do you mean it's just a sucky video (which I agree with), or you see nothing else wrong? I know I'm breaking my knees early, I wasn't thinking enough about it and that's my fault.
    Both actually... I can't see very well, and I can't see anything else wrong.

    Don't forget to stretch the adductors, too.

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