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Thread: Shoulder pain on power clean

  1. #21
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    Also, coaching the front squat with a closed grip is not the same as coaching the clean with a closed grip. The amount of stress which keeping the grip actively closed places on the structures of the wrist/arm is totally different for those two lifts.

    Even though I personally would not insist on coaching the front squat with closed grip for those who were not already able to do it.

    I don't think of finger-tipping as a crutch. If anything, I think it's helpful for getting novices to understand more quickly where and how the weight should be supported/caught in the front squat/clean and therefore is actually a good thing to have beginners do. Maybe it is beneficial to have more advanced lifters learning to keep a more closed hand around the bar once they develop the proper flexibility and technique for it. If there is any advantage provided in terms of stability or setup for the jerk. Which I'm not sure there is, since a lifter has a significant amount of time to set up for the jerk, even in competition, and is permitted to re-grip.

    Those of you with Oly. coaching experience should chime in on this--I'd be interested to hear what you think.

  2. #22
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    Asheville, NC


    I think the flexibility of elite level lifters far surpasses the majority of people on this board.

    I do know people who catch their cleans with a closed grip.

    However, most people I have worked with - when using weights at or near their max - either 1)have pain when catching a clean with a closed grip, or 2)cannot drive out of the hole when catching a clean with a closed grip.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by TBone View Post
    I do know people who catch their cleans with a closed grip.
    I'm curious--are their hands actively gripping the bar at the instant they catch, or are they just flexible enough that they can keep their hands around the bar through that point in the lift?

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Asheville, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by spar View Post
    I'm curious--are their hands actively gripping the bar at the instant they catch, or are they just flexible enough that they can keep their hands around the bar through that point in the lift?
    I don't know about people who do it purposefully.

    But, for the people that I've worked with, most of them were CrossFitters and never realized that they should open their hand to release the bar in the rack. You know, when you are doing 45 really light power cleans for time, it's touch and go, and why would you waste time releasing the bar? And, it usually doesn't hurt or cause a problem until the bar is considerably heavier than WOD weight. I mean, I know this from experience because if my elbows aren't fast enough, I sometimes don't release the bar and then I get a nice shooting pain through my elbow and scapula. I did it multiple times with 75 kg the other day, and it felt awesome.

  5. #25


    starting strength coach development program
    For the initial post.

    Some have pain in the shoulders when they don't stay over th bar before power extension for long enough.

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