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Thread: Do I do anything right here? Squat\OHP\PC form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Jacksonville, FL

    Default Do I do anything right here? Squat\OHP\PC form check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    The title says it all. Whereas I appreciate being informed of all the stuff I'm doing wrong here; If I am doing anything right, can you point that out as well? I'm still pretty new to all of this so thank you in advance for your patience with me.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    This is sure an awkward way to do a critique!

    Squat: correct depth, good stance, balanced weight on feet, good gaze direction, appears to be correct bar position.
    Make it better by getting mid/upper back tighter, shoulders back, tighter grip on bar, chest out, more driving of the hips
    Overhead Press: Correct range of motion, no knee-bend cheating, good intensity!
    Make it better by not setting up in such a layed back position. Using back bow-drive is done by starting straight, then springing backwards into a bow, then springing back. Starting in a lay back is a bad idea. Stand straighter. Also, get your elbows more forwards for you start position. Keep bar closer to face during press.

    Power clean: Not much good.
    Make it better by getting a MUCH tigher and arched back during start position! Use less weight, Pull more fluidly. Be very explosive with your hips and traps, DO NOT REVERSE CURL IT like you are currently doing. Catch it in a very snappy manner with elbows high. Do not slump backwards for your rack. Instead get used to a quarter front squat position (with elbows high and wider stance) and get into the SAME position every time you rack.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Jacksonville, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    This is sure an awkward way to do a critique!

    Squat: correct depth, good stance, balanced weight on feet, good gaze direction, appears to be correct bar position.
    Make it better by getting mid/upper back tighter, shoulders back, tighter grip on bar, chest out, more driving of the hips
    Overhead Press: Correct range of motion, no knee-bend cheating, good intensity!
    Make it better by not setting up in such a layed back position. Using back bow-drive is done by starting straight, then springing backwards into a bow, then springing back. Starting in a lay back is a bad idea. Stand straighter. Also, get your elbows more forwards for you start position. Keep bar closer to face during press.

    Power clean: Not much good.
    Make it better by getting a MUCH tigher and arched back during start position! Use less weight, Pull more fluidly. Be very explosive with your hips and traps, DO NOT REVERSE CURL IT like you are currently doing. Catch it in a very snappy manner with elbows high. Do not slump backwards for your rack. Instead get used to a quarter front squat position (with elbows high and wider stance) and get into the SAME position every time you rack.
    Thanks a TON Dastardly! That is exactly what I was hoping to get.

    I struggled with getting proper depth on the squat and having someone more experienced let me know that I'm finally low enough is nice. I read another post by someone suggesting to not sit back as much as sit between your thighs which helped me get down. And your notes on how to fix my press are exactly the kind of thing that I can work with. And I know that PC is a mess. I'm really struggling with that one. It's really turning out to be a super technical lift. I'm just hoping that if I constantly practice it, it will just 'click' one day. I'll take your advice and lower the weight while doing that. I wonder if starting with hang cleans are better than the power?

    And yeah, I've read the book and am in the process of going thru it a second time. To be honest, I got lost at times in that thing due to the large amount of medical explanation and wording of things. After I finished, I kinda wished it had a cliffs note version where there were a few small chapters that just used everyday language to explain the lifts. I mean it was really nice know why one can't achieve squat depth with the knees collapsed, but to read a small concise section after learning that that just said, "grab the bar like this, make sure it rests here on these things, and sit back with your legs open enough that the knees and the toes are on top of each other" or something like that.

    In any case, thanks again. I'll work on those points and check back when I see a noted improvement.

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