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Thread: Squat form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Squat form check

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    27 yrs old

    240lbs on the bar

    For the past year or so i have been having an intense pain/soreness in my left adductor magnus (could be other muscle but thats the general area). For up to a week after heavy squatting i wont even be able to get into a deadlift position because i will get 20 mins of intense pain in the left adductor magnus area. i decided to try some stretches/mobility work to figure out the exact muscle that is injured.

    I felt the pain during a split stance kneeling adductor mob (right leg out, left leg bent.

    Anyway, here's the squat. I know it's not pretty

    Thanks in advance for any and all help

    PS: day after this workout i am already feeling more sore in my left leg than my right.
    Last edited by lunarisx; 07-31-2012 at 05:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Virginia Beach,VA


    wow, you are holding that bar really low.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Your knees come in noticeably on the way up.
    Maybe an actual coach (as opposed to me) would know if that could cause your adductor pain.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by cwd View Post
    Your knees come in noticeably on the way up.
    Maybe an actual coach (as opposed to me) would know if that could cause your adductor pain.
    Yeah i'm waiting until my next squat session (once the pain is gone) to really work on cueing "knees out" during the entire movement. I never thought i had as much knee cave as i did until filming myself

  5. #5
    Brodie Butland is offline Starting Strength Coach
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    The knees have already been pointed out. The cave in needs to be fixed immediately.

    However, the first thing you need to fix is your back. It's in full fucking flexion the entire way up--see esp. :39. If I were coaching you in person, we'd stop after the first rep because what you're doing is literally dangerous.

    Your back issues are also likely at least a contributing cause of nearly everything else that's wrong with your form (except for that calf-raise thing you do at the end of each rep--stop doing that).

    Re-read the squat chapter in the book, keeping especially in mind these three principles:
    (1) Bar goes just under the spine of the scapula. You have it way too low. See bar placement video on this site.
    (2) When you first get under the bar, think big chest/pull lats back to lock your upper back into extension. Do not release this big chest until you re-rack the bar.
    (3) Before each rep, big breath and valsalva like hell. Keep your lower back tight and locked the entire rep.

    I imagine that when you fix your back and knees, other things largely will take care of themselves.
    Last edited by Brodie Butland; 08-01-2012 at 12:27 PM. Reason: removed unnecessary "fuck" derivatives

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mamba12ga1 View Post
    The knees have already been pointed out. The cave in needs to be fixed immediately.

    However, the first thing you need to fix is your back. It's in full fucking flexion the entire way up--see esp. :39. If I were coaching you in person, we'd stop after the first rep because what you're doing is literally dangerous.

    Your back issues are also likely at least a contributing cause of nearly everything else that's wrong with your form (except for that calf-raise thing you do at the end of each rep--stop doing that).

    Re-read the squat chapter in the book, keeping especially in mind these three principles:
    (1) Bar goes just under the spine of the scapula. You have it way too low. See bar placement video on this site.
    (2) When you first get under the bar, think big chest/pull lats back to lock your upper back into extension. Do not release this big chest until you re-rack the bar.
    (3) Before each rep, big breath and valsalva like hell. Keep your lower back tight and locked the entire rep.

    I imagine that when you fix your back and knees, other things largely will take care of themselves.

    Thanks! will do. I also had someone tell my my belt is too low (and crappy) and it should be where the ribs meets the stomach. Thoughts on that?

  7. #7
    Brodie Butland is offline Starting Strength Coach
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    Yes, looks too low, and yes, get a leather belt. (Also covered in The Book) But make sure it isn't over the ribs, otherwise you'll feel it dig into you when you get to the bottom. Between the waist and the ribs is usually ideal. Go with a 4-inch uniform width for your height.

  8. #8
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    Thanks again!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    starting strength coach development program
    Follow up, So i made a conscious effort to keep the bar higher (rear delt area) and back arched and knees out. I squatted on Monday (legs have been very sore all week) and was attempting to Deadlift today (Friday) when i went down to deadlift my warm up set (145) i had an insanely painful spasm in both adductors (medial/inner thigh).

    This pain lasted for 15-20 mins and lessened as time went on but for that period of time i could barely lift each leg (hip flexion) or sit down correctly (had to brace myself with my hand first).

    This is more than just DOMS and i wonder if it sounds familiar to anyone? I'm aware it could still be a form issue but i didn't have someone to film me on Monday.

    Any ideas are welcome. Thanks again

    PS: it's now an hour later and i can raise my leg pain free but area is still tender to the touch.

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