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Thread: Form check - squat

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2016


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    Latest session. Worked on shoulder and chest flexibility over the weekend, and reread the squat chapter in the book. Everything felt much better this time. I think the bar was better positioned, which helped with balancing. 280 x5 x3 today.

    Squats 2017 NOV 1 - YouTube

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    The bar still looks a little high on your back, but it is really hard to tell from this video (not in person). What we can tell is you are not leaning over with your torso. Right from the top, you need to lean your chest over and point your nipples to the floor. There are other things to fix, but that is the big one to work on first.

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