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Thread: For those who follow SS, lumbar flexion on lift?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2018


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    Quote Originally Posted by Dillon Spencer View Post
    Do you know the difference between flexion and extension? Lumbar flexion bad. Lumbar extension good (to a certain point).
    I agree with Dillon here. based on your first post, I have the impression that you might be confusing extension with flexion

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2018


    Sorry for the long extended video posting

    I wasn't able to get rotation right on the video either.

    YouTube (heavy)
    YouTube (deload-forgot to take off a plate so no reason to go back from the timestamped link)
    YouTube (this isn't well recorded in that it doesn't show my feet, it's my clean and unfortunatley my friend showed up an hour later than he said he would, so I had to self record on the platform and the angle didn't come out as desired. so don't look at this if you don't want to)

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Garage of GainzZz


    Well, your squats are all high. Can’t tell for sure, but your stance is narrow, but you’re not shoving your knees out. Look at the second video and your right leg; see your knee inside, medial, to your big toe?

    You’re not leaning over and you are looking straight ahead. This is contributing to the knee slide at the bottom.

    I think the bar is too low on your back and your grip is incorrect. You could stand to get your chest up more.

    No shoes, either. Socks, worse.

    The clean video is useless, sorry. Read the sticky on filling form check videos.

    I’d ask the standard question; have you read the book? This came up on Reddit, so can I assume not? (The only reason I say that is the majority of posters there haven’t, even and most especially, the people who actively post and give advice.)

    If you haven’t, I’d recommending doing so.

    If you have, you have work to do:

    1. Buy shoes. Search the board here.
    2. Get your grip correct. Thumbs over the bar. Bar in the right spot on your back. Chest up.
    3. Get your stance correct. Start at shoulder width.
    4. Turn the pins to the outside of that rack (the mirror distracts you) and set your gaze on the floor, not straight ahead.
    5. Lean over and shove your knees out.
    6. Reach back with your butt at the bottom.

    Now, what’s the deal with lumbar flexion again?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Satch12879 View Post
    Well, your squats are all high. Can’t tell for sure, but your stance is narrow, but you’re not shoving your knees out. Look at the second video and your right leg; see your knee inside, medial, to your big toe?

    You’re not leaning over and you are looking straight ahead. This is contributing to the knee slide at the bottom.

    I think the bar is too low on your back and your grip is incorrect. You could stand to get your chest up more.

    No shoes, either. Socks, worse.

    The clean video is useless, sorry. Read the sticky on filling form check videos.

    I’d ask the standard question; have you read the book? This came up on Reddit, so can I assume not? (The only reason I say that is the majority of posters there haven’t, even and most especially, the people who actively post and give advice.)

    If you haven’t, I’d recommending doing so.

    If you have, you have work to do:

    1. Buy shoes. Search the board here.
    2. Get your grip correct. Thumbs over the bar. Bar in the right spot on your back. Chest up.
    3. Get your stance correct. Start at shoulder width.
    4. Turn the pins to the outside of that rack (the mirror distracts you) and set your gaze on the floor, not straight ahead.
    5. Lean over and shove your knees out.
    6. Reach back with your butt at the bottom.

    Now, what’s the deal with lumbar flexion again?
    Yeah there wer somethings I had drilled for a couple sessions that I forgot to do yesterday among them looking down and the thumbless grip. I worked a lot and have gotten better on both my shoulder flexibility and my wrists hurting by tryign to keep a slightly wider grip and a more neutral hangrip. I am aiming for low bar squat.

    I havne'et read the book but have read some relevant sections, mainly not lumbar flexing and trying to clarify my squat positions, but to be honest I am eyeing that upcoming Woodmere workshop real hard, but have an engineering interview and follow up this week, so I can't commit. I prefer in person cues.
    1. definitely on my to do list
    2. I thought my chest is up? can you explain a little better, should I start wit hthe weight a little lower, it's racked at nipple height right now?
    3. So my feet at too narrow? Will go out. My first set is usually just bar or some light weight, to prime and to drill, then I reverse pyramid.
    4. Exactly! The look 5 feet forward in front of you is hard when objects are moving, my eye tends to wander. It's a reflex. Never thought to even turn the pins. Sounds dumb but true.
    5. Nipples shoudl angle down? was something I tried to incorporate in last session
    6. Will do and repost

    Thank you for the feedback!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Satch12879 View Post
    Well, your squats are all high. Can’t tell for sure, but your stance is narrow, but you’re not shoving your knees out. Look at the second video and your right leg; see your knee inside, medial, to your big toe?

    You’re not leaning over and you are looking straight ahead. This is contributing to the knee slide at the bottom.

    I think the bar is too low on your back and your grip is incorrect. You could stand to get your chest up more.

    No shoes, either. Socks, worse.

    The clean video is useless, sorry. Read the sticky on filling form check videos.

    I’d ask the standard question; have you read the book? This came up on Reddit, so can I assume not? (The only reason I say that is the majority of posters there haven’t, even and most especially, the people who actively post and give advice.)

    If you haven’t, I’d recommending doing so.

    If you have, you have work to do:

    1. Buy shoes. Search the board here.
    2. Get your grip correct. Thumbs over the bar. Bar in the right spot on your back. Chest up.
    3. Get your stance correct. Start at shoulder width.
    4. Turn the pins to the outside of that rack (the mirror distracts you) and set your gaze on the floor, not straight ahead.
    5. Lean over and shove your knees out.
    6. Reach back with your butt at the bottom.

    Now, what’s the deal with lumbar flexion again?
    I also made a point to watch the art of manliness and starting strength videos. also timestamped them and took notes. so i did try to make a serious effort.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2018


    [QUOTE=Satch12879;1717372]Well, your squats are all high. Can’t tell for sure, but your stance is narrow, but you’re not shoving your knees out. Look at the second video and your right leg; see your knee inside, medial, to your big toe?

    Ended up drilling a couple things this week. I kept my initial setup of high bar (now I realize why it is high bar) and made sure to push my knees out. I have been doing squats wrong for years! I felt the hip drive

    Also made sure to not at the bottom of the squat look up but keep looking down

    Today I had practice the initial rack setup. Mainly not moving/rotating the bar until I got under. It was definitely hard on my shoulders. I had to push myself and especially when I stacked on the weight too quickly my left shoulder (which used to give me trouble on my swimming backstroke) made it clear the second of unracking I had to have a slightly wider grip. So didn't left much today but definitely worked on flexibility

    1) So thank you for the pointers. One thing I want to clarify about grip, the entire weight of the bars is sitting on my back, NOT on my hands, my palm/bone should NOT be under the bar, ever correct? Low or high bar?

    2) Can you critique my deadlift? My video unfortunately, maybe due to my phone malfunction, is recording vertically even when in landscape. YouTube

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2018


    One thing I'd also mention about my DL is that I feel the top of the weight lightly hit the top of my knees on the way down. Nothing that would bruise or but I thought I'd mention it.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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