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Thread: I just failed a squat for the first time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Default I just failed a squat for the first time

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello coach.
    So, as the title states, today I got stuck under the loaded bar for the first time in my life (luckily I squat inside a cage so no damage was suffered).
    I've been on the LP for a little under a month (this was my 11th workout), and these are my numbers:
    20 yo male
    Height: 5'11 (181 cm)
    Weight: 195 lbs aprox (around 18-22 % bf based on my observations, however, online calculators give me a 16% taking my height, weight and neck/waist/hip measurements)
    SQ:176 lbs-->237 lbs (80-107,5 kg)3x5
    BP:110lbs-->149 lbs (50-->67,5 kg)3x5
    OHP:66lbs-->88lbs (30-->40 kg)3x5
    DL:220lbs-->286lbs (100-->130kg)1x5

    Last session, I did my 2 first sets of squats with 237 lbs, took 5 and 7 min of rest in between, and for the third set I racked the bar after my 4th rep because I felt unsure about the next one.
    On top of that, I experienced a mild but sharp pain in the outer part of my right thigh at the bottom of the squat and the deadlift. This pain disappeared a day later but returned today.
    Today, for my first set with 237, I squatted once, and for the second rep I leaned forward a bit too much, lost balance, and the bar crushed me. I took about 4 min of rest and completed a single set of 5 with that weight.

    Last two weeks I slept a solid 7-8 hours daily, ate about 180-200 g of protein and around 3000 kcal per day, but this past 2-3 days I've suffered from a lack of sleep and underate a bit due to personal non gym related issues.

    About the 3 questions (aside from last 3 days):
    1-Around 5-7 min for the squats, rest of lifts have presented no stalling yet.
    2-I've taken 5 lbs increments in every lift except for a pair of 10 lbs jumps in the squat and deadlift early on, and a single 10 lb increment at the bench last week.
    3- About 7-8 hours

    With all these information, do you suggest any adjustments to my training or diet?
    Should I worry about the thigh pain?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I don't know about the thigh pain. Video?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2019


    I'll post a video of tomorrow's training session.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2019


    Here it is, 1st set of the day, thanks in advance.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    RS WY


    1) the bar appears to be in the wrong position it is too high move it down 1-2" to the meaty part of your rear delts near the spine of your scapula:
    The Squat - Bar Position

    2) stay tight big breath and valsalva you are letting your back angle collapse on the ascent and you are fidgeting around too much between reps

    3) keep your head and eyes down and focused on a single spot ~6' in front of you and stare at it for the duration of the set you are looking up like the "Don't do this, you fool." Figure 2-24. photo in the book

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    The Netherlands


    Lose the belt. That one is useless unless you have a matching purse

    And all the points from previous answer

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    Thanks everyone

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