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Thread: Completely Frustrated with Squats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Default Completely Frustrated with Squats

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    The most I've ever squatted (high bar) when I had no clue what I was doing arching as hard as I could with total crap form in my early 20's was 225 for some reps. I'm 39 now. I started squatting again a few years ago and bought the starting strength book to try and get my form down. Pulled my groin really bad and took months to recover. I read the SS book. read it again, read all the cues, watched every video I can to try and understand how to squat correctly. I started the actual program about 6 or 8 weeks ago. Started eating alot and started with a 185 squat for 5 and form felt good enough. I started increasing each workout and got up to 265 for 5 and the heavier the weight got it almost felt like it was pushing me down into the correct form in a weird way. Then I pulled my groin again (right pectineus I believe). Completely jacked up my form. I lowered the weight to 225 and was able to squat pain free, and increased by 5 pounds per week, but started feeling pain at about 245 again. I dropped to 225 again but form feels all messed up. I went back, watched all the videos again and started using a TUBOW because I think one of my issues is that I wasnt setting my knees early enough. I brace as hard as I can, I set my knees early, I drop down. The descent looks great (as far as I can tell), and then when I ascend all hell breaks loose. No matter how light I go (dropped to 135 today just to see if I could get correct form), the weight seems to be in front of center of foot and my back overextends out of the hole.....every time. I can feel my low back "working" to move the weight.

    If you watch the videos there is a bodyweight shift that takes place at the bottom that I have never been able to fix which puts the weight over my toes, then when I stand up my back arches and the bar path archs up and back.

    After watching these videos again, it looks like maybe my thoracic spine is rounded and that is what is causing my low back to arch so much???

    As soon as the Starting Strength Gym in Connecticut has another Squat Seminar I will be signing up for that...I think I just need in person coaching, but anything anyone can say here to get me back on track I would appreciate. I apologize for being so annoying with this but I don't think I've ever struggled with getting anything right so much in my life...

    Videos. First Video is from 2 years ago. The rest are random videos from when I started the program.
    iCloud Photo Sharing

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Indianapolis, IN


    Can you post a video through YouTube or Vimeo please? I'm not going on a cloud sharing site.

    Why do you need to wait for a squat camp to go visit the SS Gym in Connecticut? You can probably just call them and pay for a single session.
    Starting Strength Indianapolis is up and running. Sign up for a free 30-minute coaching session.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2020


    Coach Arnold was O.K. with this squat you previously posted:

    Squat Form Check

    Squat1 - YouTube

    You mention above that you have started eating a lot--have you made any progress on the 190 @ 6'1" that you previously mentioned?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by NickD81 View Post
    The most I've ever squatted (high bar) when I had no clue what I was doing arching as hard as I could with total crap form in my early 20's was 225 for some reps. I'm 39 now. I started squatting again a few years ago and bought the starting strength book to try and get my form down. Pulled my groin really bad and took months to recover. I read the SS book. read it again, read all the cues, watched every video I can to try and understand how to squat correctly. I started the actual program about 6 or 8 weeks ago. Started eating alot and started with a 185 squat for 5 and form felt good enough. I started increasing each workout and got up to 265 for 5 and the heavier the weight got it almost felt like it was pushing me down into the correct form in a weird way. Then I pulled my groin again (right pectineus I believe). Completely jacked up my form. I lowered the weight to 225 and was able to squat pain free, and increased by 5 pounds per week, but started feeling pain at about 245 again. I dropped to 225 again but form feels all messed up. I went back, watched all the videos again and started using a TUBOW because I think one of my issues is that I wasnt setting my knees early enough. I brace as hard as I can, I set my knees early, I drop down. The descent looks great (as far as I can tell), and then when I ascend all hell breaks loose. No matter how light I go (dropped to 135 today just to see if I could get correct form), the weight seems to be in front of center of foot and my back overextends out of the hole.....every time. I can feel my low back "working" to move the weight.

    If you watch the videos there is a bodyweight shift that takes place at the bottom that I have never been able to fix which puts the weight over my toes, then when I stand up my back arches and the bar path archs up and back.

    After watching these videos again, it looks like maybe my thoracic spine is rounded and that is what is causing my low back to arch so much???

    As soon as the Starting Strength Gym in Connecticut has another Squat Seminar I will be signing up for that...I think I just need in person coaching, but anything anyone can say here to get me back on track I would appreciate. I apologize for being so annoying with this but I don't think I've ever struggled with getting anything right so much in my life...

    Videos. First Video is from 2 years ago. The rest are random videos from when I started the program.
    iCloud Photo Sharing
    Are you pushing your knees out HARD? Try to touch the uprights with your knees. I get groin pain when I don't. The pain goes away after 1 or 2 sessions of corrected form. It took me a long time to get my form to a reasonable place (I'm ~38), so don't get discouraged. I highly recommend seeing a coach. These guys and girls know what they are doing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    I can repost on YouTube. The place is like 3 hrs away. Figured it would be more worthwhile to do a full camp.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Default On Youtube

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewLewis View Post
    Can you post a video through YouTube or Vimeo please? I'm not going on a cloud sharing site.

    Why do you need to wait for a squat camp to go visit the SS Gym in Connecticut? You can probably just call them and pay for a single session.

    Squat 2 years ago - YouTube
    Squat today 1 - YouTube
    Squat today 2 - YouTube
    Squat today 3 - YouTube
    Squat today 4 - YouTube

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    New Zealand


    At a glance I think the bar is over your toes the whole way. Take some stills and draw vertical lines (parallel with the rack because the videos are not all 100% square). You might be the rare person that has the back too leant over and needs to be little more upright.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by J. Killmond View Post
    Coach Arnold was O.K. with this squat you previously posted:

    Squat Form Check

    Squat1 - YouTube

    You mention above that you have started eating a lot--have you made any progress on the 190 @ 6'1" that you previously mentioned?
    I weigh 198 as of today. I took my foot off the gas after I hurt myself, because I had to lower the weights quite a bit on squats and deadlift. I just feel like the program has gone off the rails. The reason I reposted those squats is to show that my form has degraded (in my opinion) from a few weeks ago to today and looks more like 2 years ago (also posted).

    I can tell I am doing something wrong without even looking at just doesnt "feel" right....when i have a good squat feels groin doesnt get super low back soreness....pinchy hips etc........the squat itself jus feels stronger like my quads are working together with my hips. i know I am capable of doing it right because I have had some good days.. and i know when i have them...but I guess i am just at a loss as to what needs to be done to find that groove consistently.......i know the ultimate answer here is to see a coach and have someone correct me in real time....but until I can do that I'm just looking for some advice and also venting a little because I just can't seem to find any consistency

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Time for a coach.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Indianapolis, IN


    starting strength coach development program
    It can definitely be frustrating dealing with ongoing issues that you can't seem to fix. You said it yourself - it's definitely time you got a coach. You've made great progress on your own, but you keep hitting a wall on your own, so it's time to change something.
    Starting Strength Indianapolis is up and running. Sign up for a free 30-minute coaching session.
    I answer all my emails:

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