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Thread: First Post- DL and Squat Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2023

    Default First Post- DL and Squat Form Check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey guys. First post here on the forums. Thank you so much for all the helpful information and instruction.

    I’ve never really deadlifted or done low bar squats before coming across starting strength earlier in the year. I’ve been running the NLP for 8 weeks now and would like some feedback on these lifts please.

    On the DL, I’m specifically wondering if my hips are ok? I know they drop a bit as I set my back, but I don’t believe the bar rolls forward.

    On the squat, I try to push my hips out of the hole and keep my back more horizontal , which sometimes makes me feel like the bar has to “catch up” and that the bar gets too far forward?

    Thanks very much.

    40 years old
    6’0” height
    250 lbs weight

    Deadlift - 360 x 5

    DL Form Check 360 - YouTube

    Squat- 285 x 5 (3rd set)

    Squat Form Check 285 - YouTube

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    New Jersey


    DL - the bar is ending up forward of mid foot at the bottom when you reset in between reps(which is causing your hips to drop too low) so you need to roll it back further, to mid foot. Only breathe at the bottom. Think about pushing the floor away with your feet rather than pulling on the bar with your arms. A 3in belt would help.
    SQ - Narrow your stance so your heels are shoulder width. Hold your elbows lower. Slow the reps down a little

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    Focusing too much on the "leaning over" cue can cause a small amount of moment arm to develop, which can be as small as a centimeter or two at heavy weights. For most people this doesn't start until around 400 but if you've got a longer torso you can start feeling it earlier. You can probably get away with a slightly more closed knee angle and a more upright torso: I've got a similar shape and using the TUBOW helped me get the knee position right. Just make sure your back angle isn't changing and the knees don't move forward once the back angle is established. I saw a video with Ed Coan talking about "dropping straight down" once the back angle is established, which also helped.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2023


    I noticed I was breathing out at the top too, I think that’s just a habit I need to consciously think about changing.

    On the squats, I assume you mean to slow down the lowering portion?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2023


    Yes, I can definitely feel the bar shifting slightly forward as I start going up, but am trying to keep my back from going vertical, so I am not sure how to get those 2 things to work together. I will definitely Try to check out that video.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    As long as you still focus on "leading" with the hips out of the hole, you should be fine. The weight will do the work of keeping your back horizontal, you just have to make sure your body and the bar are in the correct position on the descent. Slowing the descent will also help: the bar will stay in position better if it has less speed. Rushing the descent means that the bar will sort of keep moving even after your body stops and drift off balance.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    New Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by Tank50 View Post
    I noticed I was breathing out at the top too, I think that’s just a habit I need to consciously think about changing.

    On the squats, I assume you mean to slow down the lowering portion?
    Yes. I am nitpicking a bit because you maintain good tightness, but the faster you descend the higher your chances of getting loose on a rep

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2023


    starting strength coach development program
    Ok. Thanks so much for the feedback guys. I’ll give these things a try.

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