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Thread: Deadlift form check

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Albany, Western Australia


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    Rip basically said he hoped I'd die in one thread and you don't hear me crying about it.

    You'd get better advice if you did more than one rep in a video and if you left the other video up so people could look at it.

    Get a 3 inch belt. Not 4. I bloody ordered one to come from the US all the way to Australia and it was worth it because of the difference it has made in both the squat and the deadlift.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2022


    I've had the exact same problem and now I'm able to set my back much better. Some recommendations:

    - film your deadlifts, every single rep, including warmups. this way you see whether your back is rounded. if you don't see it you can never correct it
    - Stick to the blue book 5-step setup. In step 4 (setting your back), make sure your back (including lower back) is flat; and keep it flat as you start pulling
    - if you can't keep your back flat BEFORE you start pulling, it might be a flexibility issue. I'm not sure how to solve this (perhaps stretching? don't know). But doesn't look like this is the case from your video
    - if your back rounds as you start pulling (I had this problem), it's probably some combination of two issues 1) a mental block, you just have to practice and overcome it; 2) your erectors/hamstrings are not strong enough. I think for most people, pulling on a rounded back produces better leverage which makes the deadlift easier. So keeping your back flat would make your leverage a little worse, requiring stronger muscles. So the solution is simply to lower weight until you can pull it with perfect form and go from there
    - when I had to change my form and keep my back flat, deadlift actually felt harder, less comfortable and weight had to go down. You just have to get used to it, especially the discomfort. The correct starting position of a deadlift is just not comfortable.
    - search for starting strength deadlift on YouTube and watch ALL the videos that come up. there should be at least 5. There are a couple learn to deadlift ones. plus 3-5 focusing on setting your back and other common problems. I watched each of them at least 5 times.

    this was a tough nut to crack for me so I hope the above helps.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2023


    Hahah okay I should quit then, smh..

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2023


    Martin, bigbonustoday; Thank you very much for your comments guys, definitely considering them!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2020


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by serv View Post
    Hahah okay I should quit then, smh..
    That’s up to you

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