If you guys don’t mind checking something on my bench. About a year ago my left shoulder starting having sharp pain shortly after a session that included benching. I didn’t feel anything “happen” during the workout, but afterward there was dull and occasional sharp pain in the front left shoulder area if my arm was in certain positions. I figured it would dissipate, but after it wouldn’t I went in to the doc to get sone imaging to make sure there wasn’t anything serious. Imaging showed no tears or injury, just some inflammation and such. I went back to training as usual and eventually the pain went away.

I have noticed that on that side, my elbow tends to flare out more on that side than the other. As things have gotten heavy I feel like it’s happening more significantly on that side, especially on later reps.

Could you guys let me know if you feel like this is extreme enough to worry about or should I just keep trying to progress? Im trying to be conscious of keeping it down during the set, but sometimes it still happens.

Here’s 2 sets from last week…one from each side to show a comparison. Thanks.

Left side View
Bench Set 2- 265lbs - YouTube

Right Side View
Bench Set 3- 265 lbs - YouTube

Thanks in advance.