I had a pretty bad injury just as the old Covid lockdowns got rolling back in late march 2020 (I had a grade 3 pec tear, complete blow out of the pectoral tendon) and was unable to see a doctor for a long time (no "elective" doctor visits) so I tried to rehad it for a long time before I finally went to a doctor and got the diag. Blew it out training (BJJ) but it was long time a weak spot and I had a partial tear that had been lingering for a very long time. I ran a bit of the SS program almost 10 years ago that put me in a decent place physically but training/work combined with lifting I thought was rough on my recovery so I dumped the lifting for the past decade. After finally recovering from Surgery and given the "greenlight" to engage in athletic activity (this was June 2022) I started lifting in a very tentative manner. I was really fat, old (I was 50 almost 51), and weak as heck when it came to what I could lift. As some as my shoulder ROM was good enough to squat I adjusted my lifting to run the SS NLP along with my son (who was a bit too young to really grind, so he did form work). I still do not really bench press (I have some some light volume, but I feel unsure about it as I feel odd doing it, how much is fear, psychological, something off physically I do not know) so I have substituted Incline press (and dips) in place of the flat bench till I can iron out whatever seems to be making me feel uncomfortable doing bench.

Me - 5'10" 225lbs body weight. Age 51 (52 in 1.5 months) Press 207.5 x5. Squat 450 x 5. Incline 252.5 x 5. Deadlift 475 x 5 (did not do DL this from December till late July, climbing back up steady now).
Son - 5'7" 152lbs body weight. Age 12 (13 in 2 months) Press 92.5x5. Squat 230 x 5. Bench press 130 x 5. Deadlift 255 x 5 ( he did not do DL either from December till late July since I did not, biggest reason I flat out hated doing them...I choked down the hate and now he is making progress).

I can not thank Ripp enough for putting SS and his other work (Practical programming is great IMO) into the ether and making this information so available. I was in a pretty gray state (the country being willing to shut down because of a virus that was way oversold and having a had injury at the same time beat me down more than I am proud to admit) and after recovering from surgery this program, information, and resources have allowed me to return to a measure of physical competence as well as guide my son in such a way he will continue to grow and progress in ways that will benefit him his entire life.