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Thread: Brooklyn Eats and More

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Brooklyn Eats and More

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    There was a lot of pre-game chatter about the food choices at Paulie and Becca's new South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club's location and I think everyone can agree that excellent food (within walking distance) was had by all. Couple that with the improved location and set up, and a great group of people, and we can all consider last weekend's seminar a success. As always, Paulie and Becca took great care of us and made sure no one had any worries all weekend. Thanks, we'll see you again in September.

    We appreciate all of you who came out and worked hard all weekend. It was interesting, going from Cali to NY and seeing the different styles of coaching and talk. We continue to encourage all of you to dial in your talk on the platform when coaching the barbell lifts. Many of you are coming from a class environment where a lot of encouragement is given, but remember the 'command' style of coaching needed for barbell coaching is different. Keeping things simple for your lifter to process is far better than talking to them throughout their whole set. There were a lot of people last weekend who improved considerably going from one style to more efficient coaching, it was fun to watch.

    One of the most common questions I get while overseeing the platform is, "How do you know?" Meaning, how do I see the lifter is on their toes; how do I know the cues to use; or how do I know how to trick a lifter in getting a desired result. It comes from experience and that's something we all have to pay our dues to receive. Many people are able to get an excellent start at the seminars as to how to properly coach to the model while getting help on their own lifts. The more people you work with and the more deviations from the models of the lifts you see, the better you'll become in answering those questions yourself. Be patient, experience is earned.

    I have a few pictures to enjoy, TomC will have more when he can get them up. Give him time, he's a busy guy. We look foward to coming back in September and remember all you locals, the Americas Strongest Man contest is this July 21-22 where Biggmatt will be competing. If you're close to the South Street Seaport, come and cheer him on. We're working on Team Bigg t-shirts, pm me if you need one.

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    Last edited by stef; 04-19-2012 at 12:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I see yet another picture of Rip teaching me the finer points before that big 135 pull. Any photographic evidence of anything slightly less, oh you know, embarrassing?

    Great points about the indirect coaching style, and the need to ditch it to be an effective coach on the platform. I've tried to lose mine, and have mostly succeeded but still have work to do. I heard a lot of "I want you to..." "those knees..." "OK, so we're going to..." this weekend, but less and less as the seminar went on. Tough habit to break, but I think there's hope for the kids.

    Thinking about writing a recap when I finish the exam. I don't know if I can match Hurling's magnum opus, but I can try.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf View Post
    Thinking about writing a recap when I finish the exam. I don't know if I can match Hurling's magnum opus, but I can try.
    Stop, I'm blushing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Any photographic evidence of anything slightly less, oh you know, embarrassing?
    Well Wolf, I happen to have a very nice picture of your very respectable power clean. Which I'll post when you post a picture of YOU wearing a Vikings jersey. Fair trade.


  5. #5
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by jep6095 View Post
    Well Wolf, I happen to have a very nice picture of your very respectable power clean. Which I'll post when you post a picture of YOU wearing a Vikings jersey. Fair trade.

    You drive a hard bargain, JP; a hard bargain indeed. I like the Bears, but I like myself better - so you've got a deal. If you provide the jersey, that is.

  6. #6
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    Murphysboro, IL


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf View Post
    I like the Bears,
    You're a good and wise man, Wolf. Da' Bears are the only thing worthwhile about Chicago.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    You're a good and wise man, Wolf.
    I like where you started with this, MEH...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    Da' Bears are the only thing worthwhile about Chicago.
    But then you had to go HERE and knock around my hometown. What about deep dish pizza, Wrigley Field, Michael Jordan, and me, to name a few???

    On a more serious note, congrats on the big bench and DL that I saw in Rip's Q&A!

  8. #8
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    Jul 2008


    Anyways, back to the seminar. Here is Wolf's very respectable set of five at 445. Dear Wolf, you owe me one picture of you in my Jared Allen jersey, I'll bring it to Texas next month. xO jp

  9. #9
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by jep6095 View Post
    Anyways, back to the seminar. Here is Wolf's very respectable set of five at 445. Dear Wolf, you owe me one picture of you in my Jared Allen jersey, I'll bring it to Texas next month. xO jp
    Me+Jared Allen will happen in Texas. It was worth it.

    Any pictures of me putting down the bacon cheeseburger + fries + mozzarella stuffed steak knish for lunch on Sunday?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Any pictures of me putting down the bacon cheeseburger + fries + mozzarella stuffed steak knish for lunch on Sunday?
    I dunno, wasn't there.


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