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  1. Minimal Effective Dose: Texas Method VS. HLM (6 replies)
  2. Minimal Effective Dose: Texas Method VS. HLM (5 replies)
  3. Volume day/intensity day (12 replies)
  4. Deadlift only programming (8 replies)
  5. Follow up questions to my HLM program (4 replies)
  6. 4 Day TM (4 replies)
  7. Where to go from here? (8 replies)
  8. Cutting on HLM? (1 replies)
  9. Podcast (3 replies)
  10. Rerun SSLP or do HLM (8 replies)
  11. Baker’s GGW or restart SSLP after a cut? (2 replies)
  12. programming assistance work (1 replies)
  13. Programming the pin press and the strict press (1 replies)
  14. To milk or not to milk Lp (8 replies)
  15. Am much stronger but can't do 3x5 - should I restart LP? (1 replies)
  16. Am much stronger but can't do 3x5 - should I restart LP? (2 replies)
  17. Intensity percent for doubles (2x2) (5 replies)
  18. 2 days a week intermediate / questions regarding Andy's "MMA & Barbell Training"-vid (5 replies)
  19. 2 Days a Week (1 replies)
  20. How to Drive Intensity at the End of LP (1 replies)
  21. Strength Based, Hypertrophy Program? (4 replies)
  22. Press Specialization HLM (1 replies)
  23. Programming for Novice in Ramadan (11 replies)
  24. Intermediate programming for a teenager (3 replies)
  25. Texas Method press and bench weekly (1 replies)
  26. The Press Before Deadlift (2 replies)
  27. 3 quick hlm questions (2 replies)
  28. Volume weights in TM (1 replies)
  29. Deadlift Lagging (8 replies)
  30. Time constrained and group, here we go (4 replies)
  31. First Failure (3 replies)
  32. Four day HLM? (21 replies)
  33. Programming around a regularly scheduled sport (2 replies)
  34. Running it out vs. a direct transition to HLM (1 replies)
  35. Question on Barbell prescription old man HLM weight increases ? (2 replies)
  36. Intermediate program setup (1 replies)
  37. Starting SS again.. (5 replies)
  38. Second Fail on OHP (6 replies)
  39. First Post! Couple questions (4 replies)
  40. Poor strength parity between SS lifts - do I adjust the program or stay the course? (3 replies)
  41. HLM and trap bar (1 replies)
  42. Just finished very succesfull block of TM. Need HLM programming advice. (4 replies)
  43. considering program mods for an older adult (4 replies)
  44. Stalling Early on Upper Body (BP & OHP) - Solution?? (22 replies)
  45. Thoughts on Maintenance (7 replies)
  46. Spreading workout throughout the week (3 replies)
  47. SS in 1 hour sessions? (11 replies)
  48. GGw results and some questions (4 replies)
  49. SS in 1 hour sessions (7 replies)
  50. Shotput + Lifting? (13 replies)
  51. Programming Advanced Novice (5 replies)
  52. After Meet Weights Feeling Heavy (3 replies)
  53. HLM Program for 59 year old female (1 replies)
  54. Regarding the Transition to Intermediate Programming (11 replies)
  55. Abdomen Strain Lifting Alternatives? (1 replies)
  56. Difficulties with Squatting (5 replies)
  57. How to transition into next DUP block? (11 replies)
  58. Female Training with Scoliosis (6 replies)
  59. Starting weight for HLM (3 replies)
  60. Wife Wants Something Different (5 replies)
  61. Moving from LP to Intermediate (4 replies)
  62. Please Help - 2x Per Week Programming (1 replies)
  63. Starting Andy's GGW (11 replies)
  64. Programming Heavy Days on HLM (1 replies)
  65. Failing Back off sets (4 replies)
  66. Deload week(s) - how light? (2 replies)
  67. In need of some help (1 replies)
  68. Squat progression starting to stall? (12 replies)
  69. Andy Baker HLM 16 FAQs (9 replies)
  70. Intermediate Novice Programming (18 replies)
  71. Programming in the middle years (1 replies)
  72. Sudden Deadlift Plateau (1 replies)
  73. Bench Press Programming help (6 replies)
  74. New cycle critique please (1 replies)
  75. Dumb novice question (4 replies)
  76. Question on Rows, Power Cleans, Jerks on Light Day (1 replies)
  77. Navigating the pyramid model (2 replies)
  78. Frequency Questions - Training with My Son (6 replies)
  79. Squat stuck in mid/late LP - looking for the most efficient reset (20 replies)
  80. bunch of Linear Progression and Novice questions (6 replies)
  81. Andy Baker HLM method -- programming DL (5 replies)
  82. Phasing-in Cleans (2 replies)
  83. A question on chin-ups. (1 replies)
  84. BJJ In-season (2 replies)
  85. Intermediate Programming: Pulling Emphasis (2 replies)
  86. volume on asymmetrical exercises (3 replies)
  87. Novice Questions (3 replies)
  88. Off-Season Switch (0 replies)
  89. Every 3 days? (2 replies)
  90. Programming unilateral exercises (4 replies)
  91. Deload without detraining Andy Baker (8 replies)
  92. Need suggestion on planning a workout for strengthening overhead press (9 replies)
  93. Programming around rugby season. Will this work? (4 replies)
  94. 2 HLM questions (1 replies)
  95. Alternating Rep ranges (5 replies)
  96. May have just got the wife involved (3 replies)
  97. HLM Pulling - medium day (1 replies)
  98. Motorless Treadmill Walking by Andy Baker (11 replies)
  99. Please evaluate program and comment (3 replies)
  100. Grip strength (3 replies)
  101. Programming issue or not? (7 replies)
  102. Andy Bakers press style (6 replies)
  103. Please take a look on my program (8 replies)
  104. Adding SLDL & Leg work to a revised TM (1 replies)
  105. Question on HLM (1 replies)
  106. Squat LP Question (7 replies)
  107. Missed Rep (3 replies)
  108. Pressing 3x a week, eliminating Bench Press (10 replies)
  109. IPF approved elbow sleeves? (2 replies)
  110. Rack Pulls (1 replies)
  111. Early Intermediate Programming (3 replies)
  112. Adding high pulls? (9 replies)
  113. increase by 5kg ea. workout, reps vary (2 replies)
  114. The ksc texas method (24 replies)
  115. Press and Bench Press on Same Day? (7 replies)
  116. Program for a teen (10 replies)
  117. Variable Rep Ranges for Progressive Overloading? (3 replies)
  118. In season LP (6 replies)
  119. More travel trouble (3 replies)
  120. 42-yo male, went from 3x5 on squats to suddenly 2/1/1. Nearing end of LP? (4 replies)
  121. Press programming advice needed (2 replies)
  122. Programming the Prowler for a first time user. (2 replies)
  123. Add a light workout or add rest day? (12 replies)
  124. Quits on bench press (7 replies)
  125. Elderly programming question (1 replies)
  126. Novice lifts and progression while cutting (1 replies)
  127. Programming question (1 replies)
  128. Powerbuilding Split/Routine (13 replies)
  129. Programming barbell row in 3-day Texas Method (12 replies)
  130. Deadlift programming when squat is weak (3 replies)
  131. Programming with Limited Protein Intake (2 replies)
  132. LP Question (3 replies)
  133. An older guy returning after a layoff. (4 replies)
  134. Best way to run LP (3 replies)
  135. Partial LP ever make sense? (1 replies)
  136. Starting SS Programming if not a novice? (22 replies)
  137. update on my benchpress (3 replies)
  138. 4 day version of LP? (3 replies)
  139. How much will I lose if I take a break? (1 replies)
  140. 4day Texas method program (5 replies)
  141. Hypothetical Programming for a Novice Transgender Person (1 replies)
  142. Texas method and ... life - programming advice. (3 replies)
  143. Texas Method Question (7 replies)
  144. A progression to help with sprinting... (8 replies)
  145. How have YOU been successful programming in running? (9 replies)
  146. Mom might start LP, advice on weight increments? (5 replies)
  147. Best way to cycle intensity day reps on 4 day split (3 replies)
  148. Monday-Thursday Training. 4 Day Split? (11 replies)
  149. Programming with MMA (6 replies)
  150. 4 Day Split Programming (3 replies)
  151. priority training for limited time (3 replies)
  152. How to milk LP for each exercise (7 replies)
  153. GGW - failed two heavy days in a row and KSC powerlifting (3 replies)
  154. My review of Candito's 6 week program (9 replies)
  155. Only got 1 rep. What to do next? (7 replies)
  156. Keep deloading or move off of LP? (3 replies)
  157. HLM 5's to 3's rep cycle options (4 replies)
  158. How to measure volume: per SRA cycle or per time period? (32 replies)
  159. Should I start intermediate programming? (1 replies)
  160. Weight belt with SSL (9 replies)
  161. HLM Template For Wife (5 replies)
  162. How long... roughly? (1 replies)
  163. SS programming with training software (1 replies)
  164. Programming and progression on HLM (1 replies)
  165. Barbell logic's approach to intermediate programming (59 replies)
  166. Garage Gym Warrior Slight Tweak (2 replies)
  167. HLM, which variable to modulate? (3 replies)
  168. Substitute for press (1 replies)
  169. Andy Baker's GGW question (12 replies)
  170. Intermediate in some areas, novice in others due to injury (1 replies)
  171. boxing as HIIT for fluffy novice redo (17 replies)
  172. Andy Baker's KSC method questions (3 replies)
  173. Jumping around and confused... (10 replies)
  174. Missing attemp & and tranning tweaking (6 replies)
  175. Training Twice A Week Due to Chronic Lack of Sleep (16 replies)
  176. Switching from Stronglifts 5x5 (2 replies)
  177. Phase 1 to Phase 2 (1 replies)
  178. Programming while overworked. (1 replies)
  179. Standard intermediate muddle (6 replies)
  180. Cool Down on SS (Novice) (1 replies)
  181. Please evaluate my intermediate program (14 replies)
  182. Reps and Sets for BB Rows During LP (1 replies)
  183. Texas Method Stall- Need Advice (4 replies)
  184. Cardio Work Zones vs SS Linear Progression/HIIT (3 replies)
  185. Principles of Training: Practice and Accumulating Stress (0 replies)
  186. What should i do? (7 replies)
  187. Upper body stronger than lower (7 replies)
  188. Deadlift every day? (14 replies)
  189. How much to increase the deadlift (2 replies)
  190. Change of programming in order(i think)for baseball season (1 replies)
  191. KSC Raw powerlifting progress question (3 replies)
  192. Can KSC method be used over a 3 day? (5 replies)
  193. Toning or Bulking BS (4 replies)
  194. Continue Squat LP or deload to Train Back? (2 replies)
  195. Geezer Squats (6 replies)
  196. TM or back to NLP after overtraining? (2 replies)
  197. High rack pulls on HLM (7 replies)
  198. NLP alternatives for powerclean (3 replies)
  199. Choosing the Correct Working Weight (2 replies)
  200. HLM Press/Bench Week Alternates (5 replies)
  201. KSC Raw powerlifting progress question (3 replies)
  202. 3rd fail on OHP SSLP (18 replies)
  203. HLM Programming (4 replies)
  204. What Training Level? (73 replies)
  205. Would it be better to change program? (7 replies)
  206. Press Specialization/ Pec Tear (1 replies)
  207. Old man HLM (7 replies)
  208. HLM, Reverse hyper extension/Leg press (7 replies)
  209. Training first thing in the morning (23 replies)
  210. Can an 8th grader run SS? (13 replies)
  211. Not Quite... (5 replies)
  212. Bench won't budge - 57 year old female client (5 replies)
  213. Please help me with this issue (12 replies)
  214. How can I help recovery? (11 replies)
  215. A Note to the Forum Readers (5 replies)
  216. Meet prep (2 replies)
  217. Training (9 replies)
  218. RDL vs SLDL and HLM (1 replies)
  219. Programming for the novice program (10 replies)
  220. 5s 3s 1s and Intermediate Progression Questions (3 replies)
  221. Reduced Parent Lift vs. Supplemental lift (2 replies)
  222. Deadlift progress on Candito 6 week program (0 replies)
  223. Is my chin-up volume higher than my power clean? (9 replies)
  224. Looking for input from a Starting Strength Coach? (0 replies)
  225. Barbell Prescription Question (5 replies)
  226. save my bench (13 replies)
  227. Cut before bulk due to injury? (4 replies)
  228. 40yd dash time (9 replies)
  229. midway thru Novice SS... how am I doing? q's about lifting shoes, cleans, DL stalls.. (2 replies)
  230. Calculating Intensity at the Novice Level (5 replies)
  231. HLM Template (8 replies)
  232. Texas Method for powerlifting(bench emphasis) (4 replies)
  233. Make changes to Novice LP or doing something wrong? (16 replies)
  234. DL: Building Strength or Displaying It (2 replies)
  235. Stuck on Squats (4 replies)
  236. Programming for explosiveness (2 replies)
  237. Back after 4-year layoff, what's wrong with me (29 replies)
  238. First Meet Prep, GGW, and 1RM practice (2 replies)
  239. Choosing Programming For An "Advanced Novice" or an "Early Intermediate" (23 replies)
  240. Maintain strength while training for army PT (1 replies)
  241. Alternative Progression for Powerbuilding (4 replies)
  242. PB, Raw Powerlifting, KSC Texas, or S&M 40+ (2 replies)
  243. Programming for Army Reserve Soldiers (1 replies)
  244. All deadlifts no squats program (7 replies)
  245. Is a temporary return to basics warranted? (5 replies)
  246. Adding Press Work to SSL & Cleans (6 replies)
  247. Please evaluate this 3 day HLM (2 replies)
  248. Women on power building program (9 replies)
  249. 2 months Into SS LP, had to cut down workout days (21 replies)
  250. Cycling volume and intensity (4 replies)