View Full Version : General Programming
- Minimal Effective Dose: Texas Method VS. HLM (6 replies)
- Minimal Effective Dose: Texas Method VS. HLM (5 replies)
- Volume day/intensity day (12 replies)
- Deadlift only programming (8 replies)
- Follow up questions to my HLM program (4 replies)
- 4 Day TM (4 replies)
- Where to go from here? (8 replies)
- Cutting on HLM? (1 replies)
- Podcast (3 replies)
- Rerun SSLP or do HLM (8 replies)
- Baker’s GGW or restart SSLP after a cut? (2 replies)
- programming assistance work (1 replies)
- Programming the pin press and the strict press (1 replies)
- To milk or not to milk Lp (8 replies)
- Am much stronger but can't do 3x5 - should I restart LP? (1 replies)
- Am much stronger but can't do 3x5 - should I restart LP? (2 replies)
- Intensity percent for doubles (2x2) (5 replies)
- 2 days a week intermediate / questions regarding Andy's "MMA & Barbell Training"-vid (5 replies)
- 2 Days a Week (1 replies)
- How to Drive Intensity at the End of LP (1 replies)
- Strength Based, Hypertrophy Program? (4 replies)
- Press Specialization HLM (1 replies)
- Programming for Novice in Ramadan (11 replies)
- Intermediate programming for a teenager (3 replies)
- Texas Method press and bench weekly (1 replies)
- The Press Before Deadlift (2 replies)
- 3 quick hlm questions (2 replies)
- Volume weights in TM (1 replies)
- Deadlift Lagging (8 replies)
- Time constrained and group, here we go (4 replies)
- First Failure (3 replies)
- Four day HLM? (21 replies)
- Programming around a regularly scheduled sport (2 replies)
- Running it out vs. a direct transition to HLM (1 replies)
- Question on Barbell prescription old man HLM weight increases ? (2 replies)
- Intermediate program setup (1 replies)
- Starting SS again.. (5 replies)
- Second Fail on OHP (6 replies)
- First Post! Couple questions (4 replies)
- Poor strength parity between SS lifts - do I adjust the program or stay the course? (3 replies)
- HLM and trap bar (1 replies)
- Just finished very succesfull block of TM. Need HLM programming advice. (4 replies)
- considering program mods for an older adult (4 replies)
- Stalling Early on Upper Body (BP & OHP) - Solution?? (22 replies)
- Thoughts on Maintenance (7 replies)
- Spreading workout throughout the week (3 replies)
- SS in 1 hour sessions? (11 replies)
- GGw results and some questions (4 replies)
- SS in 1 hour sessions (7 replies)
- Shotput + Lifting? (13 replies)
- Programming Advanced Novice (5 replies)
- After Meet Weights Feeling Heavy (3 replies)
- HLM Program for 59 year old female (1 replies)
- Regarding the Transition to Intermediate Programming (11 replies)
- Abdomen Strain Lifting Alternatives? (1 replies)
- Difficulties with Squatting (5 replies)
- How to transition into next DUP block? (11 replies)
- Female Training with Scoliosis (6 replies)
- Starting weight for HLM (3 replies)
- Wife Wants Something Different (5 replies)
- Moving from LP to Intermediate (4 replies)
- Please Help - 2x Per Week Programming (1 replies)
- Starting Andy's GGW (11 replies)
- Programming Heavy Days on HLM (1 replies)
- Failing Back off sets (4 replies)
- Deload week(s) - how light? (2 replies)
- In need of some help (1 replies)
- Squat progression starting to stall? (12 replies)
- Andy Baker HLM 16 FAQs (9 replies)
- Intermediate Novice Programming (18 replies)
- Programming in the middle years (1 replies)
- Sudden Deadlift Plateau (1 replies)
- Bench Press Programming help (6 replies)
- New cycle critique please (1 replies)
- Dumb novice question (4 replies)
- Question on Rows, Power Cleans, Jerks on Light Day (1 replies)
- Navigating the pyramid model (2 replies)
- Frequency Questions - Training with My Son (6 replies)
- Squat stuck in mid/late LP - looking for the most efficient reset (20 replies)
- bunch of Linear Progression and Novice questions (6 replies)
- Andy Baker HLM method -- programming DL (5 replies)
- Phasing-in Cleans (2 replies)
- A question on chin-ups. (1 replies)
- BJJ In-season (2 replies)
- Intermediate Programming: Pulling Emphasis (2 replies)
- volume on asymmetrical exercises (3 replies)
- Novice Questions (3 replies)
- Off-Season Switch (0 replies)
- Every 3 days? (2 replies)
- Programming unilateral exercises (4 replies)
- Deload without detraining Andy Baker (8 replies)
- Need suggestion on planning a workout for strengthening overhead press (9 replies)
- Programming around rugby season. Will this work? (4 replies)
- 2 HLM questions (1 replies)
- Alternating Rep ranges (5 replies)
- May have just got the wife involved (3 replies)
- HLM Pulling - medium day (1 replies)
- Motorless Treadmill Walking by Andy Baker (11 replies)
- Please evaluate program and comment (3 replies)
- Grip strength (3 replies)
- Programming issue or not? (7 replies)
- Andy Bakers press style (6 replies)
- Please take a look on my program (8 replies)
- Adding SLDL & Leg work to a revised TM (1 replies)
- Question on HLM (1 replies)
- Squat LP Question (7 replies)
- Missed Rep (3 replies)
- Pressing 3x a week, eliminating Bench Press (10 replies)
- IPF approved elbow sleeves? (2 replies)
- Rack Pulls (1 replies)
- Early Intermediate Programming (3 replies)
- Adding high pulls? (9 replies)
- increase by 5kg ea. workout, reps vary (2 replies)
- The ksc texas method (24 replies)
- Press and Bench Press on Same Day? (7 replies)
- Program for a teen (10 replies)
- Variable Rep Ranges for Progressive Overloading? (3 replies)
- In season LP (6 replies)
- More travel trouble (3 replies)
- 42-yo male, went from 3x5 on squats to suddenly 2/1/1. Nearing end of LP? (4 replies)
- Press programming advice needed (2 replies)
- Programming the Prowler for a first time user. (2 replies)
- Add a light workout or add rest day? (12 replies)
- Quits on bench press (7 replies)
- Elderly programming question (1 replies)
- Novice lifts and progression while cutting (1 replies)
- Programming question (1 replies)
- Powerbuilding Split/Routine (13 replies)
- Programming barbell row in 3-day Texas Method (12 replies)
- Deadlift programming when squat is weak (3 replies)
- Programming with Limited Protein Intake (2 replies)
- LP Question (3 replies)
- An older guy returning after a layoff. (4 replies)
- Best way to run LP (3 replies)
- Partial LP ever make sense? (1 replies)
- Starting SS Programming if not a novice? (22 replies)
- update on my benchpress (3 replies)
- 4 day version of LP? (3 replies)
- How much will I lose if I take a break? (1 replies)
- 4day Texas method program (5 replies)
- Hypothetical Programming for a Novice Transgender Person (1 replies)
- Texas method and ... life - programming advice. (3 replies)
- Texas Method Question (7 replies)
- A progression to help with sprinting... (8 replies)
- How have YOU been successful programming in running? (9 replies)
- Mom might start LP, advice on weight increments? (5 replies)
- Best way to cycle intensity day reps on 4 day split (3 replies)
- Monday-Thursday Training. 4 Day Split? (11 replies)
- Programming with MMA (6 replies)
- 4 Day Split Programming (3 replies)
- priority training for limited time (3 replies)
- How to milk LP for each exercise (7 replies)
- GGW - failed two heavy days in a row and KSC powerlifting (3 replies)
- My review of Candito's 6 week program (9 replies)
- Only got 1 rep. What to do next? (7 replies)
- Keep deloading or move off of LP? (3 replies)
- HLM 5's to 3's rep cycle options (4 replies)
- How to measure volume: per SRA cycle or per time period? (32 replies)
- Should I start intermediate programming? (1 replies)
- Weight belt with SSL (9 replies)
- HLM Template For Wife (5 replies)
- How long... roughly? (1 replies)
- SS programming with training software (1 replies)
- Programming and progression on HLM (1 replies)
- Barbell logic's approach to intermediate programming (59 replies)
- Garage Gym Warrior Slight Tweak (2 replies)
- HLM, which variable to modulate? (3 replies)
- Substitute for press (1 replies)
- Andy Baker's GGW question (12 replies)
- Intermediate in some areas, novice in others due to injury (1 replies)
- boxing as HIIT for fluffy novice redo (17 replies)
- Andy Baker's KSC method questions (3 replies)
- Jumping around and confused... (10 replies)
- Missing attemp & and tranning tweaking (6 replies)
- Training Twice A Week Due to Chronic Lack of Sleep (16 replies)
- Switching from Stronglifts 5x5 (2 replies)
- Phase 1 to Phase 2 (1 replies)
- Programming while overworked. (1 replies)
- Standard intermediate muddle (6 replies)
- Cool Down on SS (Novice) (1 replies)
- Please evaluate my intermediate program (14 replies)
- Reps and Sets for BB Rows During LP (1 replies)
- Texas Method Stall- Need Advice (4 replies)
- Cardio Work Zones vs SS Linear Progression/HIIT (3 replies)
- Principles of Training: Practice and Accumulating Stress (0 replies)
- What should i do? (7 replies)
- Upper body stronger than lower (7 replies)
- Deadlift every day? (14 replies)
- How much to increase the deadlift (2 replies)
- Change of programming in order(i think)for baseball season (1 replies)
- KSC Raw powerlifting progress question (3 replies)
- Can KSC method be used over a 3 day? (5 replies)
- Toning or Bulking BS (4 replies)
- Continue Squat LP or deload to Train Back? (2 replies)
- Geezer Squats (6 replies)
- TM or back to NLP after overtraining? (2 replies)
- High rack pulls on HLM (7 replies)
- NLP alternatives for powerclean (3 replies)
- Choosing the Correct Working Weight (2 replies)
- HLM Press/Bench Week Alternates (5 replies)
- KSC Raw powerlifting progress question (3 replies)
- 3rd fail on OHP SSLP (18 replies)
- HLM Programming (4 replies)
- What Training Level? (73 replies)
- Would it be better to change program? (7 replies)
- Press Specialization/ Pec Tear (1 replies)
- Old man HLM (7 replies)
- HLM, Reverse hyper extension/Leg press (7 replies)
- Training first thing in the morning (23 replies)
- Can an 8th grader run SS? (13 replies)
- Not Quite... (5 replies)
- Bench won't budge - 57 year old female client (5 replies)
- Please help me with this issue (12 replies)
- How can I help recovery? (11 replies)
- A Note to the Forum Readers (5 replies)
- Meet prep (2 replies)
- Training (9 replies)
- RDL vs SLDL and HLM (1 replies)
- Programming for the novice program (10 replies)
- 5s 3s 1s and Intermediate Progression Questions (3 replies)
- Reduced Parent Lift vs. Supplemental lift (2 replies)
- Deadlift progress on Candito 6 week program (0 replies)
- Is my chin-up volume higher than my power clean? (9 replies)
- Looking for input from a Starting Strength Coach? (0 replies)
- Barbell Prescription Question (5 replies)
- save my bench (13 replies)
- Cut before bulk due to injury? (4 replies)
- 40yd dash time (9 replies)
- midway thru Novice SS... how am I doing? q's about lifting shoes, cleans, DL stalls.. (2 replies)
- Calculating Intensity at the Novice Level (5 replies)
- HLM Template (8 replies)
- Texas Method for powerlifting(bench emphasis) (4 replies)
- Make changes to Novice LP or doing something wrong? (16 replies)
- DL: Building Strength or Displaying It (2 replies)
- Stuck on Squats (4 replies)
- Programming for explosiveness (2 replies)
- Back after 4-year layoff, what's wrong with me (29 replies)
- First Meet Prep, GGW, and 1RM practice (2 replies)
- Choosing Programming For An "Advanced Novice" or an "Early Intermediate" (23 replies)
- Maintain strength while training for army PT (1 replies)
- Alternative Progression for Powerbuilding (4 replies)
- PB, Raw Powerlifting, KSC Texas, or S&M 40+ (2 replies)
- Programming for Army Reserve Soldiers (1 replies)
- All deadlifts no squats program (7 replies)
- Is a temporary return to basics warranted? (5 replies)
- Adding Press Work to SSL & Cleans (6 replies)
- Please evaluate this 3 day HLM (2 replies)
- Women on power building program (9 replies)
- 2 months Into SS LP, had to cut down workout days (21 replies)
- Cycling volume and intensity (4 replies)