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Thread: Programming and progression on HLM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Default Programming and progression on HLM

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I've just moved from a short spell on advanced novice to HLM.

    I'm wondering how most people handle progression on a program of this format. With TM the progression is weekly, but with HLM I'll be doing less volume/intensity so just wondering if weekly progress is still possible?

    Also, I'm only pressing once a week, what kind of progression can I expect doing that?

    I'm still toying around with the routine as I get used to it, but at the moment it looks like this:

    All main lifts 3x5 unless stated otherwise.

    Monday - Bench 4x5, heavy squat, power cleans 7x2, chins, curls.
    Wednesday - Front squat, press 4x5, deadlift 1x5, pull ups, weighted dips
    Friday - Medium (light?) squat, incline bench 4x5, romanian deadlift, chins, curls.

    So far so good, only on second week but this was the first Monday in a while where my legs didn't already feel destroyed before starting my squat sets and set a new PR.

    Any critique of the program is most welcome for a 34 year old that's cutting weight.

  2. #2
    Brent Carter's Avatar
    Brent Carter is offline Owner, Starting Strength Dallas
    Starting Strength Coach
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Dallas, TX


    Template looks pretty standard.

    Will likely need to increase volume on squat during heavy day over time to continue to drive progress. Might look like one top set followed by back of sets. 5's will eventually go to 3's then 2's and 1's across. Weekly progress is not only possible but expected.

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