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Thread: Starting SS again..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Starting SS again..

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I have worked the program a handful of times in my life starting at 19 years old in college (those novice gains were great..) and a few times since. Due to life, work, and baseball injuries I have been in and out of the weight room.

    Now that I am 29 years old, ~20lbs heavy than I ever have been and weak, I want to get back on the program.

    My question is should I run the program as prescribed, or since I have some experience/adaptation modify it in some way?

    Logic tells me to run a linear progression until it stops (just like a novice) and then adjust accordingly.

    I appreciate the feedback and advise!

    29 years old
    ~215 lbs (soft - have not been lifting)
    5' 11"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    New Mexico


    Run it as designed. You might top out in fewer total workouts than if you had never touched a bar, but the strategy to progress doesn't change. Make sure you are honest about your starting weight. Don't get greedy and try to start where you think you "should" based on your history.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by A Schenck View Post
    Run it as designed. You might top out in fewer total workouts than if you had never touched a bar, but the strategy to progress doesn't change. Make sure you are honest about your starting weight. Don't get greedy and try to start where you think you "should" based on your history.
    Agreed. Just do the LP. Be a little conservative with your starting weights and make sure your technique is in order. Then you may be able to make bigger jumps for a little while since your body has seen this a couple of times before. It might end quickly...or, it might last longer. No way to know ahead of time.

    Also, if you haven't, read the books. And if you have, probably read them again. Watch the technique-related videos. Get your form checked early and often until you're confident that you're executing all of the lifts to the best of your ability. Then check in more periodically to avoid form creep.

    That's what I'd do anyway. Good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by jonfla View Post
    Agreed. Just do the LP. Be a little conservative with your starting weights and make sure your technique is in order. Then you may be able to make bigger jumps for a little while since your body has seen this a couple of times before. It might end quickly...or, it might last longer. No way to know ahead of time.

    Also, if you haven't, read the books. And if you have, probably read them again. Watch the technique-related videos. Get your form checked early and often until you're confident that you're executing all of the lifts to the best of your ability. Then check in more periodically to avoid form creep.

    That's what I'd do anyway. Good luck!
    I appreciate the insight end guidance everybody. Solid workout today!

    I tipped the scale at 211 pounds. In my younger more fit days I was 185. To me weight is just a number, I just want to fit in the my pants, and lift heavy again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Updating this thread..

    6 weeks in and my lifts are progressing nicely.

    My most recent lifts (in LBS) are:

    225 squat
    100 press
    185 bench press
    255 deadlift
    chins and pull ups have also increased every week

    My squat progression is slowing and getting very difficult. I think I will back on 10-20lbs.

    I have been doing 10lbs increases on the bench press which is also starting to slow, so I may need to adjust to 5lbs increments in the upcoming weeks.

    Overall I feel stronger, and its nice to get back into the gym again.

    When would be a good time to add in bent over rows?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Audi_Driver_ View Post
    Updating this thread..

    6 weeks in and my lifts are progressing nicely.

    My most recent lifts (in LBS) are:

    225 squat
    100 press
    185 bench press
    255 deadlift
    chins and pull ups have also increased every week

    My squat progression is slowing and getting very difficult. I think I will back on 10-20lbs.

    I have been doing 10lbs increases on the bench press which is also starting to slow, so I may need to adjust to 5lbs increments in the upcoming weeks.

    Overall I feel stronger, and its nice to get back into the gym again.

    When would be a good time to add in bent over rows?
    I'd add rows when you can't increase your deadlift every session. You could also just add some medium deadlifting for 2-3 sets of 5 on alternate days with your PR deadlift.

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