Hi All,
Newbie here and excited to join! I’m 30 and have ran the BS 5x5 many times over the years and recently decided to tweak it. The following is based on his “advanced” temperate.. switch to 3x3 and drop Wednesday SQ in weeks 5-9..
High pull
Flat BL
Clean and Press
Power snatch
Tuesday and Thursday
Ropes -4 sets of 4 exercise,30 seconds on and 10 rest per exercise
21’s/Skull crushers
Pec Fly-4 sets
Stair master or Rowing -31 minuets
As you can probably guess I worse myself out quick fast and in a hurry. So I’ll probably be back to going with SQ/Clean and Press/BP/Dips+Pull but feel like I may be missing out by leaving the other 3 (deads/snatch/high pulls).
My question is what if anything should I add? And do you see a big difference (cosmetic gains)regarding High pulls/snatch/ Clean and Press (where I don’t drop or squat)- given what I’m keeping? I’m planning on adding 1 and also have no qualms about replacing one of the exercises, but would really appreciate the advice!
Yes to the BS bring bill Starr
And no to SS
Although I’d Perfer to stick with Bill Starr
Hey Adam, thanks for helping me!
Here’s the link:
Bill Starr - Glenn Pendlay 5x5 - Periodized Version, Dual Factor Theory
So I’ve seen another variation (which I can’t find) which has me benching/squatting/ Clean and pressing 3x per week.. that’s it
I’ve gone ahead and added dips and pull-ups at the end of each workout
I’m debating adding another exercise or 2 out of this pool (deadlifts/high pulls/ snatch) as I’m told I may be missing out on some physical benefits (ripped back and traps specifically) by not doing so.. but at the same time I don’t want to tax my body with redundant workouts
I’m told my abs get worked with snatches and high pulls but wasn’t certain if Clean and Press did
Just making sure I’m not missing. Out on athletic and cosmetic gains is all
Looks like you asked Rip a similar question in his Q&A...
Recent book recipient
For bodybuilding purposes I see it as a variation of the power shrug. Something to change things up in regards to yoke training in order to overcome plateaus and whatnot. High pulls involve more muscle mass over a longer ROM and are therefore more taxing overall than shrugs so I wouldn't include them specifically for trap growth. I'd go for a DL variation as a heavy movement and/or the power shrug as a light movement focusing on the yoke.