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Thread: Moving from LP to Intermediate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Moving from LP to Intermediate

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025

    I am nearing the end of my LP and looking at using an Old Man Texas Method template for the start of my intermediate training. Wanted your opinion on something like this:

    Week 1:
    Day 1: Day 2: Day 3:
    Squat: 3x5 90% of max 5 Squat: 3x5 at 80% Squat: 1x5
    Bench: 3x5 90% of max 5 Press: 3x5 at 90% of max 5 Bench: 1x5
    Deadlift 3x5 90% of max 5 BB Row: 3x5 Deadlift: 1x5

    Week 2:
    Day 1: Day 2: Day 3:
    Squat: 3x5 90% of max 5 Squat: 3x5 at 80% Squat: 1x5
    Press: 3x5 90% of max 5 Bench: 3x5 at 90% of max 5 Press: 1x5
    Deadlift 3x5 90% of max 5 BB Row: 3x5 Deadlift: 1x5

  2. #2
    Brent Carter's Avatar
    Brent Carter is offline Owner, Starting Strength Dallas
    Starting Strength Coach
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    Nov 2011
    Dallas, TX


    Looks fine, DL volume work might be much but see how it goes. I like a lighter DL variant on that day of the week . Just keep in mind that the percentages are a GUIDE. Ultimately you must apply an ounce of common sense/ experience when working with templates like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    DL Variant being something like SLDL or Rack Pulls?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017



    Totally off topic for strength programming, but do you do or recommend any cardio? I am feeling like I could use some walking or riding the bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes or so.

  5. #5
    Brent Carter's Avatar
    Brent Carter is offline Owner, Starting Strength Dallas
    Starting Strength Coach
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    Nov 2011
    Dallas, TX


    Correct regarding DL variant (though Rack pulls will be heavier than you DL so program with care).

    WRT cardio. Bike is a good choice as is a rower or sled/prowler. Basically anything that does not have significant eccentric muscular contractions. HIIT is probably best. I like 30seconds on maximal or near maximal effort followed by 60sec of rest. Repeat 8-10x.

    To hear the science and research behind it check this multi part video:

    Strength & Endurance | Jonathon Sullivan

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