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Thread: Intermediate programming for a teenager

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Default Intermediate programming for a teenager

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hi all,
    Ill be 17 in two months, and I feel my squat will stall in the next couple of weeks. currently on a reset for the last time because I failed 160kg/350lbs 2 times.
    I was doing the program the whole time, currently about 200lbs @ 5'10. I responded to LP rather well, but I feel I will soon have to switch to a more advanced program.

    I do not want to train 4 days a week. I do not have the time for it right now.
    I was thinking about Texas method / HLM but I have no Idea to which direction should I go.
    I heard rip saying in a q&a that a 16 y.o should not do TM, but I don't understand why. Am I too young?
    Also, I see HLM recommended to people with poorer recovery, and i want to make faster progress, if I can, so I don't know if I should go for an easier set up.
    I really like the idea of making progress in the Bench and the Press in the same week, which I see can be done in HLM but not TM, and the idea of spreading volume between 3 days and not having one brutal volume day is quite appealing. But is it optimal for someone my age? Could I start with HLM and then go to TM, or the other way around?

    I could use some advise, Thank you.
    (English is not my main language, so sorry for any difficulty reading this)

  2. #2
    Brent Carter's Avatar
    Brent Carter is offline Owner, Starting Strength Dallas
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    If you have the time to put 2:30 at the gym as a 17yr old kid I think Texas Method could work pretty damn well (assuming you are in Tanner stage IV). You could possibly set up your pressing schedule to make gains every week on both lifts but that will stall out too and you would be back to doing the standard template.

    You could try HLM then go to TM or vice versa but I would probably just start you out with TM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    I'm not too excited about volume day time in terms of time. Is there a modification that might spread the volume a bit better throughout the week? I saw one on which you DL on light day first, I really like that because I hate squat fatigue before deads. But that doesn't really spread the volume that much.

  4. #4
    Brent Carter's Avatar
    Brent Carter is offline Owner, Starting Strength Dallas
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    Dallas, TX


    If time is the biggest constraint you can organize a HLM strategy that has you doing one heavy lift per day but even then might take some time when you get to heavy singles...

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