starting strength gym
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Thread: Cloud's Get Strong Log

  1. #101
    Join Date
    May 2008


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Doug, that's awesome! Hope you had fun. We ended up changing plans, but I had a great week in the Seattle area. As for your question, I never really "finished" SS. I had program ADD (always have) and mixed in a few things while working around injuries. Last December, I entered a PL meet and squatted 507 and pulled 523. The 507 was redlit but for technicality, not a bad lift (I racked it before I got the command). I had eaten my way to 265 for that, and yes, I did it with the skinny kid method. GOMAD + everything. I was fat as hell, but had little choice in the short prep period for the meet.

    I think the wisest decision is to keep up linear progression as long as possible, but there's no point in gaining 5 pounds/week bodyweight towards the end. You shouldn't need to be gaining more than 8-12 pounds a month MAX at that point, and even then, a good chunk of it will be fat. Go by your own goals, but don't be afraid to eat, I guess. Clean > Dirty at that point IMO. Let me know if you have any questions, I'd be glad to offer advice.

    Back in town, first workout back at HPG:

    Split Jerks:
    50kgx 3,3,3
    60x 2,2,2
    70x 1,1
    80x 1,1
    90x 1,1
    Singles at: 95, 100, 105, 110
    115x fail

    60kgx 3
    90x 2
    100x 5 singles (all hook grip)

    Total time: 1:20 - cut the PC's short because I really wanted to limit this to around an hour and had already gone well over.

    Time to start becoming proficient at the real Oly lifts since I no longer have a PL meet in the near future. This is the first time I've ever done split jerks so they were all PRs. I have a long way to go, but it's a decent start. I was really hoping for 115 out of the gate, but oh well. I'm still very slow and my form is probably terrible.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Just ordered a pair of 2010 Rogue Weightlifting shoes...after trying Jordan's up in WA, I had to do it! Can't wait to get 'em. I hear they build insane intensity into your lifts.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Dude I love my shoes! I had a hell of a time hangin with you last weekend. You gotta come back soon. It sucks, I haven't made it to Steves this week. And that dick had his garage locked when I left the next day so my belt has been trapped. Sucks. Gotta get it Monday. Take care. No posts this week, got sick, watch next week. Maybe a week off will be good for me. Loved the 70's big post by the way.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I should be back in August - we'll have to plan some serious lift/eat/drinks at Ksmash's place for sure. And/or you guys can stop by my gym in Redmond and meet Alex, too. Good shit.

    Bad shit: pulled my motherfucking trap again. You have no idea how pissed I am about this. I narrowed it down to bowling. Yup, bowling. I have 4 weeks left as the anchor in this league to defend our championship...gonna have to figure out a better/different way to toss the ball, or something.

    Today: Did some time in an Endless Pool at a house I'm taking care of for the week. I'm a terrible swimmer, but was trying to do some pre/rehab of the shoulder and trap. Good workout, just not my normal thing.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Had some personal stuff take over my life, got back in the gym Monday.

    Mon: Snatch Balances, Overhead Squat Practice, etc. OHS 60kg x 4,4,4,4,4,2,6
    Getting used to the new shoes. Awesome, but different. It kinda sucks to be teaching yourself how to overhead squat next to a nationals-level Oly lifter (Keith as mentioned in Justin's 70sbig post). Was recognized by a guy working the front counter - "are you Jacob from 70sbig?" - which was cool. Rory, if you're reading this, nice meeting ya. Your "you look bigger in real life" compliment made my day.

    Tues: BP 225x5,5,4,3
    Pathetic, but I took it easy because I know I'll be sore no matter what. Also bowled a couple games, poorly.

    Wed: 242.6 on the home scale. Too bad most of the weight loss is muscle! Oh well, I should bounce back quickly.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Glad to see you are back at it bro. That's what winners do, they get back up and keep going. How is the trap? I thought you were going to knock that bowling stuff off to be easy on it.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Bowling championships are next week, and we're headed into the playoffs in second place, so after that, I'll be done for awhile. The trap is irritated but not terrible this week. And well, Ksmash, here's the deal: I'm the best there is, plain and simple. I mean, I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence. You know, nobody can hang with my stuff. I'm just a...just a big, hairy, American winning machine.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I like your style. Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said..."I'm too drunk to taste this chicken."

  9. #109
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I'm not drinking for awhile after last weekend, if that tells ya anything... :O But I will be back in town for T's bday, Jul 28 - Aug 4th, I think. Holla if you're around that weekend.

    HPG @ 3pm:

    WU: lots of stretching and empty bar sets - shoulders/chest very tight/sore

    50kgx3, 60x3, 70x1,1,1
    100x ten singles
    110xF (barely)

    Slowly getting back into this. All misses were on the jerk attempts. Being weak sucks, but I have my goals clearly set now and will just chip away until I get there. Getting over the initial soreness from an absence is step 1. Lack of conditioning shows - even the ten singles were getting me tired as hell, and I took plenty of time so as not to rip a callous. I've also been eating like an idiot, so I went grocery shopping and got some proper food (and milk).

  10. #110
    Join Date
    May 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    AM Weight: 241.2

    HPG 11:15AM

    WU for about 10-15 minutes

    Snatch - Tons at low weight, then failed on my first 70kg attempt, then got it. Failed 8 times at 75kg, then muscled it and stood it up, then failed it again, then got a really clean one and stood it up. Failed at 80kg 4 or 5 times.

    I'm obviously not good at the snatch. My shoulder flexibility sucks - the bar is too far forward, and to make that even worse, my elbows keep bending instead of locking (at which point I would ditch forward on every heavy attempt). I'm happy that I made some progress, and got 75kg on my first attempt at a full snatch, though. I wanted 80, but it'll have to come soon.

    Spent an hour on the snatch attempts and left so I won't be too torn up for the rest of the week. I really have to pay attention to my hands so they don't rip. I'm gonna try and get some video next week so I can start working on actual form.

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