Looks like we're all in agreement of how crappy this is. I told him it was going to be a heavy set, might move really slow and grindy, and don't touch the bar unless it was visibly moving DOWN. We went over this three times. He's just an inexperienced spotter and panicked.
Ideally I wouldn't trust a first time spotter for a heavy PR set, but he was the only person available. I find I just can't stay as set and tight at really heavy weights without a hand-off. DJ, you never take a lift off on bench - how do you stay tight? Do you have a trick, or just prefer the loss of tightness to the (good) chance the person will fucker up the hand off or spot?
I've found that having someone give me a hand-off for sets across is a good way to teach them, when mistakes won't make much of a difference. If I'm doing 3 or 5 sets of 5, the first set should be a no brainer, so a less than perfect hand off doesn't fuck up the set. I've taught several of the trainers at this gym to hand off and spot correctly this way, but none were available at the time.
Thanks Hat, welcome.
Thanks Ramrod. Interesting name you've chosen, but glad you're here.
Last edited by Michael Wolf; 11-20-2012 at 05:31 PM.
Dang 1330 total off the bat.
What federation are you doing this meet with?
Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate (RPS). Our comrade Wolf is going to have a great meet.
But is it too legit to quit?!?
What would you do if I wore a glittery, sparkly singlet?
Can't say I have. Should I?
As Kong said, the RPS federation - Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate, aka Rychlak Power Systems. They run a fun, lifter-friendly meet and you can compete in any category you want: Raw Classic (belt only), Raw Modern (wraps), Single Ply, or Multi-ply. Plus all the gender and age groups. Sure, it's a little silly because with so many divisions, there's only a couple people in each even at a big meet, so almost everyone gets a trophy. But it does make it lifter friendly. They use a monolift but you can walk it out if you tell them beforehand.
Really feeling Tuesday's workout still. Shoulders, chest, tris, and legs are still sore and fatigued.
45x5x3, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5
TM Recovery, went easy again due to leg soreness
45x5, 85x5, 125x3, 165x2, 195x1, 225x1, 200x3x2, 165x5
Same as last week: a heavy, but not limit, single, followed by two heavy triples and a back-off 5. The 225 was hard, I don't think I would have had more than 230 or 235 as a max today, but considering the upper body fatigue I still have, that seems about right.
Took it easy, didn't want to push hard on this lift with a lot of recovery still to be done before Saturday's ID.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.