The pump was real.
Wolf, I have been a longtime reader of your training log (and now first time poster), and I've always appreciated the depth you provide in describing your experiences and your thought processes and the seriousness with which you take your training. In the spirit of looking outside the box for solutions and accruing useful data, I really really encourage you to buy and read (and re-read) this book:
Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection: John E. Sarno: 8601420002166: Books
I know that it's been suggested to you in previous pages in your log and that you dismissed it, but I urge you to take it seriously. I suspect that you, like many others, are put off by the possibility that your back is not in fact any more fucked up than those of the rest of us and by the notion that this is not a structural problem in your body, but I also know many people, myself included, who have been helped by this book and the attendant philosophy. It is not woo woo. And it looks as though you might be at a place where you're willing to try anything to feel and perform better, so now is the time to give it an earnest trial.
Best wishes and good lifting, Hoss.
Left side (longstanding issue) was better today, but still a ways to go for 100%. Right side (last week's very frustrating tweak) was completely unnoticeable and back to 100%.
I also got an ultrasound on what I think is my umbilical hernia today, to confirm whether that's in fact what it is. After I get the results, will consult with doc and probably see a surgeon, as I'll likely need it fixed.
Squat - belt at 275+
135x5, 185x5, 235x5, 275x5, 295x5, 315x5
Notes: Super easy and fast, just going up cautiously. Again.
315x5 squat on IG
Press - beltless, dead stop, strict
165x5x2, 175x5x2 @7
Power Clean!!!
95x3, 115x3, 135x3, 155x2, 175x2, 195x2, 205x2, 185x2x3
Notes: Other than one aborted attempt a month or so ago, I haven't cleaned since my umbilical hernia issue started flaring up in November. Was surprised that between that and my back, I wnet up to 205x2 VERY easy and no problem, even though I was super rusty with the technique and timing. Will post it on IG tomorrow.
The not as good news was I was catching the bar in the hang rather than dropping, and this was fine through 175 but at 195 it still irritated my back. So clearly it's not back to 100% yet. I brought out some pads to drop it on for all the further sets, but it remained slightly irritated thereafter from doing that at 195x2.
Ring Rows
Umbilical hernia is confirmed.
Wolf's Disease Is Real.
Right side is, as far as I can tell, completely healed.
Left side was more irritated today than it was on Wednesday, but still a lot better than a few weeks ago, and good enough to lift on. Maybe still a little irritated from catching those cleans on Weds.
Squat - belt from 295 on
135x5, 195x5, 245x5, 295x5, 335x5
315x3 - paused
Notes: I could feel my back a tiny bit today, mostly on the unracking and walkout more than the squats themselves. Probably just still a little irritated from catching the cleans on Weds, as I mentioned above. Didn't really feel any worse afterwards. 335 moved fast and easy.
335x5 SQ on IG
Bench Press - paused, medium grip, 2.5-3 mins rest
265x7x5 last set @7.5-8
Notes: Doing seven sets of five reps on less than three minutes rest, with a close-ish grip and pausing every rep, is a good way to make ~55% of 1RM feel hard.
Deadlift - belt for 315+
135x5, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 365x3+5 count hold last rep, 315x5 - DOH
Notes: Easy. 365 felt just the tiniest bit in my back, but not bad and didn't make it worse.
BWx3, BWx5x6 = 30, very short rests
Because things were already so great, The Universe decided that I should also get sick this week, so I haven't trained since last Friday. The longstanding issue on my left side has also regressed, after an encouraging week last week, and hurt pretty much all week. I haven't posted everything I've done and the people I've seen to try to help it here, because I'm too lazy and don't like to share everything anyway. But I saw someone new yesterday (a PT who thinks outside the box somewhat), and this may be helpful where other approaches haven't worked. Not sure yet, but hoping.
The good news is the tweak I generated on my right side that day a couple weeks ago was literally just a regular minor muscle thing and is back to 100% with no regression.
That said, even though I just did a light re-introductory lift after a full week off and being sick all week, it was a blast with the seminar staff crew at CF South Brooklyn before this weekend's seminar.
45x8x2, 95x5, 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 185x5
Bench Press
45x10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, then for funsies since we were live on IG
275x1, 315x5, 365x1, 405x1 @8 all with no rest other than changing plates, and no set-up (not that I can get a big arch anyway).
275x5 back off set
Notes: The little bench stunt was perhaps just slightly irresponsible, but given that it ended at 405 which is still less than 90%, I did it for teh gramz and teh fanz.
Bench Ladder on IG
Various sets and reps between bench and press sets, about 30 total reps.
Then did the rehab stuff which I'll be trying 2-3x/week for my back issue. Too boring and non-conducive to clarity when typing out to detail here.
Last edited by Michael Wolf; 04-22-2017 at 06:09 AM.