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Thread: Valhall's Powerlifting Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Valhall's Powerlifting Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I have moved my log here as I have decided to start competing in powerlifting and I now have the club coach do the programming for me.

    I'm a 30 years old Norwegian and I started lifting weights in November 2010 to loose weight and get into shape. I also had a goal of participating in a 10km cycle race in end of May 2011. The goal here was to complete it, what my time was I could care less about. I completed it in rain and strong winds going against me, I was slow but I completed it. Oh and I lost 20kg/44lbs.

    After this I decided to focus more on strength and do SS. I also joined a powerlifting club to get access to proper equipment.
    I entered a meet around christmas and got these results:
    Squat 170kg, bench press 125kg and deadlift 200kg.

    In February of 2012 the head club coach offered to my programming and I started competing regularily. In the summer 2012 I also decided to start competing with gear (singly ply, IPF).

    In my first meet with gear I did: 225kg squat, 175kg bench press and 230kg deadlift with plenty left in me in all lifts.

    In December 2012 I did another raw meet and got:
    Squat: 195kg, Bench press 150kg and deadlift 220kg. So in a year I've PR'ed a total of 50kg raw, however I've also gained about 10kg in weight.

    My goal now is qualifying for Norwegian nationals in June.
    Last edited by Valhall; 01-18-2013 at 05:19 AM. Reason: Updated text.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Wednesday March 14.
    Week 1, Day 1 of "quantity" program.

    The plank

    Back raise
    15 Reps
    15 Reps

    Squat - Low bar Going to start specifying this as the program calls for both low bar and high bar
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 3
    80kg x 2
    100kg x 7
    110kg x 6
    117.5kg x 4 (Super set 1)
    100kg x 4 (Super set 1)
    117.5kg x 4 (Super set 2)
    100kg x 4 (Super set 2)
    117.5kg x 4 (Super set 3)
    100kg x 4 (Super set 3)

    Bench press - broad grip - with stop
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 3
    75kg x 6 (Super set 1)
    87.5kg x 6 (Super set 2)
    87.5kg x 6 (Super set 3)
    87.5kg x 6 (Super set 4)
    87.5kg x 6 (Super set 5)

    Bench Press- incline , with stop
    55kg x 6 (Super set 1)
    62.5kg x 6 (Super set 2)
    62.5kg x 6 (Super sett 3)
    62.5kg x 6 (Super set 4)
    62.5kg x 6 (Super set 5)

    Biceps curl - myroreps Program is none specific on what kind of bicep training so I decided to do it with the myo-reps protocol
    20kg x 22 + 5 + 5+ 5 +5

    Post workout comments
    I'd grade todays workout 2/6, as I was in bad shape already from first rep of the bar. Didnt help that I also got lactic acid in my lower back just from the back raises I did as warmup.

    The weights on the squat just felt heavy sa fuck, even though this should be easy weights for me. I hope it will be better tomorrow as tomorrow calls for much heavier weights.

    I was content with the bench though, technique wise.
    Last edited by Valhall; 03-15-2012 at 03:25 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Thursday March 15.

    10 Reps
    10 Reps

    Glute bridge
    10 Reps
    10 Reps

    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 3
    80kg x 2
    100kg x 5
    110kg x 4
    117.5kg x 3
    125kg x 2
    135kg x 2

    Squat, with knee wraps
    147.5kg x 3
    147.5kg x 3
    147.5kg x 3

    105kg x 2
    117.5kg x 6
    127.5kg x 5
    137.5kg x 4
    147.5kg x 3

    Romanian Deadlift
    70kg x 6
    82.5kg x 6
    82.5kg x 6
    82.5kg x 6
    82.5kg x 6

    Bench Press- narrow grip
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 3
    62.5kg x 8
    72.5kg x 7
    72.5kg x 7
    72.5kg x 7
    72.5kg x 7

    Dumbbell row - Myo-reps
    35kg x 10 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3

    10 Reps
    10 Reps
    10 Reps
    10 Reps
    10 Reps

    Post workout comments
    Got to try knee wraps for the first time. God damn this was painful as hell!
    Also I got absolutely no rebound off the thing, it actually made the lift harder! After I did the squats with knee wraps I tried without, and the weight flew up!
    The pain I guess I can get accustomed to, but there was no rebound and it made it harder? I guess it might be due to the pain, I really dont know.

    Today (as im writing this the day after) the backside of my right leg/knee is sore as hell. Also both my calves are sore. Bah why do geared lifters put themselves through this :P. Sometime this summer Im buying a single ply, so I have that time to get used to this.

    Other than that the workout was very long.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Friday March 16

    Back raise
    10kg x 12
    10kg x 12

    Squat - High bar
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 3
    80kg x 6
    95kg x 5
    102.5kg x 4
    107.5kg x 3
    107.5kg x 3

    60kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    100kg x 2
    117.5kg x 6 (Super set 1)
    127.5kg x 5 (Super set 2)
    137.5kg x 4 (Super set 3)
    137.5kg x 4 (Super set 4)
    137.5kg x 4 (Super set 5)

    Deadlift - snatch grip
    100kg x 5 (Super set 1)
    107.5kg x 4 (Super set 2)
    115kg x 3 (Super set 3)
    115kg x 3 (Super set 4)
    115kg x 3 (Super set 5)

    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    40kg x 3
    57.5kg x 6
    67.5kg x 6 (Super set 6)
    67.5kg x 6 (Super set 7)
    72.5kg x 5 (Super set 8)
    72.5kg x 5 (Super set 9)

    Dumbbell shoulder press
    30kg x 8 (Super set 6)
    30kg x 8 (Super set 7)
    30kg x 8 (Super set 8)
    30kg x 8(Super set 9)

    Post workout comments
    Ok but slow workout. I felt banged up from yesterdays knee wrapping so I needed alot of warmup to get started.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Monday March 19.

    Squat - lowbar
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    100kg x 6 (Super set 1)
    82.5kg x 6 (Super set 1)
    110kg x 4 (Super set 2)
    92.5kg x 4 (Super set 2)
    110kg x 4 (Super set 3)
    92.5kg x 4 (Super set 3)
    110kg x 4 (Super set 4)
    92.5kg x 4 (Super set 4)
    110kg x 4 (Super set 5)
    92.5kg x 4 (Super set 5)

    Bench Press- with stop, narrow grip
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    62.5kg x 6
    75kg x 8 (Super set 6)
    75kg x 8 (Super set 7)
    75kg x 8 (Super set 8)
    75kg x 8 (Super set 9)

    Dumbbell Flyes - incline
    9kg x 8 (Super set 6)
    9kg x 8 (Super set 7)
    9kg x 8 (Super set 8)
    9kg x 8 (Super set 9)

    Lying triceps extension
    37.5kg x 8
    37.5kg x 8
    37.5kg x 8
    37.5kg x 8
    37.5kg x 8

    Post workout comments
    On sunday I got food poisoning off an hotell breakfast, something that hit most of the IT department. Despite this I managed to do the workout as planned and it was actually ok.

    I decided to go light weights on flyes as I havent really done this excersise in 10 years, and on the lying tricep extension I was supposed to do reps of 10 but for some reason I ended up doing 8s.

    This morning I actually felt a flu brewing, but I really don't have time to get sick now. Time to go buy some Vitamin C.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Wednesday March 21.

    20kg x 10
    45kg x 8
    52.5kg x 10
    52.5kg x 10
    52.5kg x 10
    52.5kg x 10

    Power Cleans
    60kg x 3
    70kg x 3
    80kg x 3
    80kg x 3
    85kg x 2

    Deadlift - descend slowly 3-4 seconds and hold at the bottom for 2 secs
    87.5kg x 6
    100kg x 5
    107.5kg x 4
    110kg x 4
    110kg x 4
    110kg x 4

    Romanian deadlift
    75kg x 6
    85kg x 6
    85kg x 6
    85kg x 6
    85kg x 6

    Dumbbell row- myo reps
    35kg x 12 +3+3+3+3+3

    Bicep barbell curl - myo reps
    22.5kg x 20 +5+5+5

    Glute bridge
    20 Reps
    20 Reps

    The plank
    30 Secs
    30 Secs

    Since I have a cold today, the workout was slow and my energy levels were low. Still, I managed to get through the program.

    The power cleans are not a part of the program as such, but I was allowed to add it as long as I didnt go too heavy on it. As such I only did a few sets on it today due to the cold.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Thursday March 22.

    Squat -highbar- with band
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    115kg x 5
    135kg x 4
    145kg x 4 (Super set 1)
    155kg x 3 (Super set 2)
    155kg x 3 (Super set 3)
    155kg x 3 (Super set 4)

    Leg extension
    15kg x 8 (Super set 1)
    20kg x 8 (Super set 2)
    25kg x 8 (Super set 3)
    25kg x 8 (Super set 4)

    Bench press- with stop
    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    62.5kg x 8
    77.5kg x 6 (Super set 5)
    77.5kg x 6 (Super set 6)
    90kg x 5 (Super set 7)
    90kg x 5 (Super set 8)
    90kg x 5 (Super set 9)
    90kg x 5 (Super set 10)

    Bench press- decline, with stop
    55kg x 6 (Super set 5)
    55kg x 6 (Super set 6)
    65kg x 5 (Super set 7)
    65kg x 5 (Super set 8)
    65kg x 5 (Super set 9)
    65kg x 5 (Super set 10)

    Push ups
    10 Reps
    8 Reps
    8 Reps

    Back raise
    10kg x 10
    10kg x 10
    10kg x 10

    Post workout comments
    I have a cold so getting through the workout was a bit of a struggle. But really it went fine, considering.

    Fun to try squats with bands.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Friday March 23

    Deadlift - with rubber band
    135kg x 6 (Super set 1)
    152.5kg x 5 (Super set 2)
    162.5kg x 5 (Super set 3)
    162.5kg x 5 (Super set 4)
    162.5kg x 5 (Super set 5)

    Deadlift - from a box
    100kg x 5 (Super set 1)
    112.5kg x 4 (Super set 2)
    120kg x 3 (Super set 3)
    120kg x 3 (Super set 4)
    120kg x 3 (Super set 5)

    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    57kg x 6 (Super set 6)
    70kg x 6 (Super set 7)
    70kg x 6 (Super set 8)
    77.5kg x 4 (Super set 8)
    77.5kg x 4 (Super set 9)

    Dumbbell press
    30kg x 8 (Super set 6)
    30kg x 8 (Super set 7)
    30kg x 8 (Super set 8)
    30kg x 8 (Super set 9)

    Glute bridge
    20 Reps
    20 Reps

    Hanging leg raise
    10 Reps
    10 Reps

    Post workout comments
    Good workout, not much more to say really.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Saturday March 24

    Squat - highbar - to box with stop
    20kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    80kg x 8
    97.5kg x 6 (Super set 1)
    97.5kg x 6 (Super set 2)
    97.5kg x 6 (Super set 3)
    97.5kg x 6 (Super set 4)

    Lying leg curl
    20kg x 8 (Super set 1)
    20kg x 8 (Super set 2)
    20kg x 8 (Super set 3)
    20kg x 8 (Super set 4)

    Bench Press - with rubberband, medium grip
    20kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    72.5kg x 8 (Super set 5)
    72.5kg x 8 (Super set 6)
    72.5kg x 8 (Super set 7)
    72.5kg x 8 (Super set 8)

    Dumbbell flyes -incline
    9kg x 8 (Super set 5)
    9kg x 8 (Super set 6)
    9kg x 8 (Super set 7)
    9kg x 8 (Super set 8)

    Romanian Deadlift
    60kg x 5
    75kg x 6
    85kg x 6
    85kg x 6
    85kg x 6
    85kg x 6

    6 Reps
    6 Reps

    Lat pulldown front - hand supinated
    35kg x 15
    35kg x 15

    Post workout comments
    Box squat (with stop) and bench against rubber band was harder than I thought it would be, but it was ok.

    After the romanian deadlifts my forearms got some serious lactic acid which made the lat pulldown and chin-ups somewhat harder. I was running really late for an appointment and had to cut it short. I'll find time to do the 3 remaining sets of lat pulldown and chin-ups on sunday.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Monday March 26.

    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    80kg x 2
    100kg x 6 (Super set 1)
    85kg x 6 (Super set 1)
    117.5kg x 5 (Super set 2)
    92.5kg x 4 (Super set 2)
    117.5kg x 4 (Super set 3)
    100kg x 4 (Super set 3)
    117.5kg x 4 (Super set 4)
    100kg x 4 (Super set 4)
    117.5kg x 4 (Super set 5)
    100kg x 4 (Super set 5)

    Bench Press - narrow grip
    20kg x 10
    62.5kg x 8
    75kg x 6 (Super set 6)
    80kg x 6 (Super set 7)
    80kg x 6 (Super set 8)
    80kg x 6 (Super set 9)

    Flyes on incline bench
    10kg x 8 (Super set 6)
    10kg x 8 (Super set 7)
    10kg x 8 (Super set 8)
    10kg x 8 (Super set 9)

    Lying tricep extension
    37.5kg x 10
    37.5kg x 10
    37.5kg x 10
    37.5kg x 10
    37.5kg x 10

    6 Reps (Super set 10)
    6 Reps (Super set 11)
    6 Reps (Super set 12)

    Lat pulldown front - supine grip
    40kg x 10 (Super set 10)
    40kg x 10 (Super set 11)
    40kg x 10 (Super set 12)

    Post workout comments
    There was a mini club meet early in the day, and later a club meeting.
    Because of this the training was chopped up into bits somewhat , but got it all done in the end.

    The workout was easy enough.

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