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Thread: More Weight: Izzy T's Log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Any idea on your current BF level?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seattle, Washington



  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    I think you will be surprised by how much LBM you actually have. Good to hear you aren't dead set on 165. I think you will hit 15% BF (way) before 165 BW. 220 sounds reasonable for the meet. From what I read it isn't advisable to try to squeeze into a weightclass for your first meet. So if you are still, say, 230 by then, maybe consider competing in 242. But again - I think the first 10-15 lbs will come of really, really fast.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seattle, Washington


    Morning BW: 243.6
    Cardio: 1.8mi, 30m @ ~120bpm (heart rate)

    Assuming zero LBM loss, which would only be possible in the event that I somehow recomp a bit on the way down, this is approximately where I'd end up at 15% with various bodyfats:

    30%: 198
    35%: 181
    40%: 170 (thus cutting to 165)

    Last time I cut, I ended up around 18-20% at 180-185. My lifts before cutting were 365x5x3, 205x5x3, 365x5. Since then, I've added 30lbs to my bench, 30lbs to my deadlift (who knows), and something like ~60lbs to my squat. I really have no idea how that might correlate to LBM gain, but I'm guessing something like 5lbs. This would mean that I'd end up around 175lbs at 15%. That honestly seems to line up with the mirror, measurements, and other unscientific musings. If that is where I ended up, I'd go on down to 12-13% so I could easily water cut to 165.

    All this said, if there is one thing I've learned about dieting, it is that this kind of speculation is utterly pointless. Things never, ever work the way you expect. I'm not going to RFL or anything either. In the best case scenario, I'm probably going to be "cutting" for nine months. Life happens so it will more likely take an entire year.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Boise, ID


    That is what I have been doing for the last year. Last year on 10 May I weighed 267. Now I weigh 237.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seattle, Washington


    Quote Originally Posted by Tad_T View Post
    That is what I have been doing for the last year. Last year on 10 May I weighed 267. Now I weigh 237.
    Hopefully I'll have as much success with it as you have had.

    Thought this was a cool pic from the seminar:

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Toronto ON


    Hotty on the left?

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seattle, Washington


    Paused Bench: 45x5x2, 105x5, 135x5, 155x3, 195x5, 225x3, 250x1 (PR)
    Paused DB Bench: 10x10, 30x10, 50x10x3
    One Arm DB Row: 10x10, 30x10, 50x10, 70x10x2

    225x3 paused was a little harder than I expected which had me worried. However, forcing myself to pause has made me more aware of the groove that I need to be in. With my wide ass grip, I need to have everything dialed. Even small stuff throws me way off. In the end, I ****ing smoked this. I'm fairly sure I am good for 3 or 4 at this weight. Maybe my pause could have been longer, but the barely clearly came to a stop. 255 should be a breeze. I'll put the vid up in a few as well.

    DB bench was way harder than I could have imagined. I've never done this exercise before. The range of motion is probably twice as long as my regular bench and the stability thing is super different. For this, I used no arch, no leg drive, and paused for a good 2-3 seconds on every rep. My goal with these is to build muscle mass and strength out of the bottom. I have feeling it is going to work really well. Gonna shoot for 55x10x3 next time.

    I only did two sets of DB Rows because my workout was dragging longer than I wanted and the set at 50 was sorta challenging. I'll probably go 80x10x3 next time.

    I think I'm going to put off competing for a while longer until I can get everything dialed in and do a full off-season on 531 for PL. I don't really want the stress of a meet when I'm already changing so many things right now. I'm basically going to do the book close to verbatim once I get passed this gym max LP stage.

    If the write-up that follows is a bit too much to chew on it is pretty simple:
    Stage 1) 8+ week off-season using the 531 for powerlifting template almost verbatim
    Stage 2) 4 week pre-meet schedule (done 8 weeks out), Conditioning is cut in half, 1-2 assistance exercises are dropped
    Stage 3) Meet month (done 4 weeks out), All hard conditioning is dropped and replaced by walking, 2 assistance exercise per workout max
    Stage 4) Meet week, Completely off. No training.

    For at least 8 full weeks between peaking for meets:
    Squat, Normal 531 with rep maxes
    Squats 531, Rep Maxes
    Leg Press: 3x10
    GHRs: 3xX
    Ab Wheel: 3xX
    30m Hill Sprints, Sprint when HR returns to =< 120bpm

    Tuesday: Morning Walk, 30m @ 115-125bpm

    Bench 531, Rep Maxes
    DB Bench: 3x10, Paused
    One Arm DB Row: 3x10
    Pushups: 3xX
    Chinups: 3xX
    Rear Laterals: 3x20
    30m Vest Hill Walks, HR = 135-145bpm

    Thursday: Morning Walk, 30m @ 115-125bpm

    Deadlift 531, Rep Maxes
    SSB Good Morning: 3x10
    Pendlay Rows: 3x10
    GHR: 3x10
    Ab Wheel: 3x10
    30m Hill Sprints, Sprint when HR =< 120bpm

    Press 531, Rep Maxes
    DB Press: 3x10
    Dips: 3x10
    Chinups: 3x10
    Face Pulls: 3x20
    Curls: 3x10

    Sunday: Morning Walk, 30m @ 115-125bpm

    8 Weeks Out:
    Squat, Normal 531 with rep maxes
    Squats 531, Rep Maxes
    Leg Press: 3x10
    GHRs: 3x10
    Ab Wheel: 3xX
    30m Hill Sprints, Sprint when HR =< 120bpm

    Tuesday: Off

    Bench 531, Rep Maxes
    DB Bench: 3x10, Paused
    One Arm DB Row: 3x10
    Chinups: 3xX
    Walking, 30m @ 115-125bpm

    Thursday: Off

    Deadlift 531, Rep Maxes
    SSB Good Morning: 3x10
    GHR: 3xX
    Ab Wheel: 3x10
    30m Vest Hill Walks, HR = 135-145bpm

    Press 531, Rep Maxes
    Dips: 3x10
    Chinups: 3x10
    Curls: 3x10
    Walking, 30m @ 115-125bpm

    Sunday: Off

    4 Weeks Out:
    Squat, Normal 531 with rep maxes
    Squats 531, Rep Maxes
    Leg Press: 3x10
    GHRs: 3x10
    Walking, 30m @ 115-125bpm

    Tuesday: Off

    Bench 531, Rep Maxes
    DB Bench: 3x10, Paused
    One Arm DB Row: 3x10

    Thursday: Off

    Deadlift 531, Rep Maxes
    SSB Good Morning: 3x10
    Ab Wheel: 3x10
    Walking, 30m @ 115-125bpm

    Press 531, Rep Maxes
    Dips: 3x10
    Chinups: 3x10

    1 Week Out:
    Completely off. No training of any sort.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seattle, Washington


  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Tulsa, OK


    starting strength coach development program
    Good luck, Tom. You have a very nice arch. (ho homo)

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