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Thread: The Iowa Method (AKA Callador's guinea pig)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Iowa City, IA

    Default The Iowa Method (AKA Callador's guinea pig)

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    It is about time to get serious about training. I am taking the new year and Callador's 4x4 split as opportunity and path to prepare for a meet (NASA) I plan on competing in on April 20th.

    The thread name comes from the fact that as of the date of this posting I am living in Iowa and more fine states need to have fine training programs named after them.

    Age: 30
    Body weight: 215-220 (started SS around 195 lbs)
    Height: 5'9"

    Training history:

    Other than 1.5 years of wrestling in junior high and mediocre bench pressing in high school I have no athletic/training experience until October 2011. I found Starting Strength and took a weight training class at my university. I was so impressed with SS that I assumed it would be the textbook for my class. It was not. The class was annoying and I was happy to be done with it so I could move on with better, and more intelligent training. I followed SS for 3-6 months, farted around with some other stuff during the summer and ran the Texas Method (as written sans powercleans) from September through December of 2012.

    Injury History:

    I fell rock climbing in 2004 resulting in a shattered ankle joint and crushed cartilage. This injury has left me with poor ankle mobility and constant ankle pain. I had the hardware (3 plates and 16 screws) removed in February 2012. The hardware removal did not help. I can't jog because it hurts, can't really front squat because of limited dorsiflexion, and I don't bother with powercleans because every time I try to jump or extend my hips, knees, and ankles quickly I end up doing it all with my left (strong) side. So you won't see power cleans around here but you will see me squatting with a wide stance that accommodates my poor ankle flexibility


    The program is laid out pretty well in this thread. I have also attached an image containing the planned weights for the main lifts as well as assistance exercises (see below). It is basically a program that lies between TM and 531 in terms of rate of progression. It also has periodic deloads (every three weeks) which I think will be good since I was forced to deload on TM due to accumulated fatigue. I have it mapped out for 12 weeks. This will give me enough time to "test" the method and properly prepare for the meet in April

    Calladors 4x4.jpg

    I established the 1RM values today at QC Barbell with SS coach Grant McCaulley. It was a good time and I made a video of all the "heavy" attempts. I think my form was decent but I have plenty of work to do, on all of the lifts. Unfortunately the 395 squat attempt was obscured. I think it was just to parallel but certainly good enough for benchmarking purposes. I pressed 190 for a few singles about 2 months ago.


    April Meet

    Squat: 405
    Bench Press: 315
    Deadlift: 495

    Squat is all but in the bag. Bench and deadlift may be a stretch but I'll shoot for them anyway.


    Squat: 455
    Bench Press: 330
    Deadlift: 525
    Press: 225
    Last edited by Dillman; 01-08-2013 at 07:28 AM. Reason: added stats

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Florence, SC


    Awesome! Its cool to see people giving this a legit try. That thread initially bugged the shit out of me. Because it was full of a bunch of tire kickers!

    I think you laid out some S.M.A.R.T. goals and made a solid plan to achieve them! GET TO IT BROTHER!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sioux City, Iowa


    I would love to see how this goes, especially as I live in Sioux City, Iowa. Dillman- which meet are you thinking about in April, the NASA Iowa State meet?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    London, UK


    Most interesting log on here. Fact. (except when Callador posts a new video).

    Will definitely be following this and cheering from behind the screen. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    West Bend, WI


    Awesome! :-)

    I hope the split routine works well for you. There are a few other guys doing it too (been talking to them via PM's). If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Best of luck getting ready for the NASA meet!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    West Bend, WI


    Oh, one thing I forgot...

    Since you are doing NASA, you can use knee wraps. For percentage purposes, you could have a wrapped max and unwrapped max. I would use the wraped max for the heavy single/double and unwrapped for the 4x4+.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Garage Gym


    That looks like a solid program, I might have to consider it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Iowa City, IA


    Thanks for checking in everybody. Got a question. After doing 1RM efforts (like in a meet) do you feel like you have been in a fight? All day Sunday and this morning I felt all beat up. Don't know if this is normal or if I am getting a bit of cold simultaneously (my kids have all been sick little dogs so I am almost certain I have a little something). Anyway I look forward to this first week being a light week. should be able to get through it alright even if I am slightly under the weather.

    @bustermonkey2. Yes it is the Iowa State NASA meet. Will you be there?

    @Callador. Thanks for putting this thing together. The more I think about it the more I think it fits my level of advancement really well. I don't know about the wraps. Maybe further down the road. Right now it is just one more piece of equipment and one more thing I need to learn how to use. I have plenty of other things to worry about right now. I am sure I'll be asking you questions as I go along.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Great stuff on the one rep maxes. Yeah, I think since you did a handful of heavy singles for each lift, it's not a suprise at all that your body is beat up.

    I'm really interested to see how you do with Callador's program. It's really interesting and I wouldn't be surprised if I try it myself at some point. I'll be rooting you on.

    What is your height and weight right now? What weight class are you shooting for at your meet?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Hey Dillman

    Great lifts! Sorry Brad was in the way of that 395 squats, what a dumbass!!! LOL!

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