Decided to start a log here since I'll be competing in the USAPl Meet in Brooklyn in May and I also just recently switched up my programming a bit. This will be my first powerlifting meet.


37yo, 6'0'', 228lbs, 26.2%BF

Best Lifts:

Squat: 350 - Fall Classic 2015
Bench: 275x1x5 - TNG in training December 2015
Press: 180 - Fall Classic 2015
DL: 445 - Fall Classic 2015
PC: 167x3x3 - November 2015

May 1st Goals:

Squat: 405
Bench: 265 - I have literally never done a paused rep so I have no idea what to forecast here. Will practice them leading up to the meet.
DL: 505


Monday: Squat Volume, Bench Intensity, BB Rows
Wednesday: Press Intensity, then backoff 3x5 volume, DL, chins
Friday: Squat Intensity, Bench volume, Chins


So I've become a little fluffy. I still haven't settled on a strategy here, or if there needs to be one. Part of me says don't worry about it, you're competing and you need to be as big as possible to lift the most weight. Then there's the part of me that hates that putting on my shoes has become difficult and the fluffy-ness may becoming evident to others. Every time I entertain the thought of eating less I immediately get concerned I won't make the gainz I need to. My plan as of now is to cut back to 220 over the next 5-6 weeks and then bulk back up to 231 in the following 5-6 weeks leading up to the Meet. Then after the Meet I'll see what my next goal/competition will be and plan accordingly. The bottom line is really that as arbitrary as it may be, I feel I need to squat 405. It just has to happen. I hate that the Squat is my weakest lift and 405 just needs to go up. If any other SSC's or competitive lifters read this log I'm open to suggestions regarding training.