starting strength gym
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Thread: Skid (Marc's) log

  1. #1471
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Jena, LA.


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Strongly done, sir!

  2. #1472
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    nice job at your meet skid!

  3. #1473
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Georgia, USA


    Congrats on your great results! Nice PRs.

  4. #1474
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by Tad_T View Post
    Strongly done, sir!
    Quote Originally Posted by Cole Gorton View Post
    nice job at your meet skid!
    Quote Originally Posted by Fred J View Post
    Congrats on your great results! Nice PRs.
    Thanks guys, I've been away from the forum for a week so hadn't seen you posts. Much appreciated!

    I got home last Thursday and went to work Friday but could feel a cold coming on. By Saturday I was sitting in my easy chair and didn't move much for the next couple of days as I think I had Covid 2.0. Zero energy, felt like razor blades in my chest, dry coughing, head ache, nausea, diarhea, you name it.

    I finally felt a bit better yesterday, and today well enough I went back to work after taking a couple of sick days earlier. I think my body was weakened after cutting, stress from competing, etc. If I compete again I will never cut again a couple days before the meet. Weakened me at the meet and afterwards.

    It's been a week since I competed so figured to do something today so I don't get killer DOMS later. Still a bit sick and feeling weak but:

    Did some shoulder warm ups, then:

    240-5 - At 240 my L elbow reminded me it wasn't fully healed/recovered yet. The weight felt light but the next couple weeks are all about recovery. I stopped here.

    DB curls
    25's for 12 - Super easy low stress stuff,

    Legs - For the first time in a long time I didn't feel my knees climbing the stairs at work today. I'm not going to do any leg work unitl next Monday at the earliest, then see how everything feels then.

    Based on my Nationals results, if I choose to I can be the Canadian rep for my age/weight class at IPF World's again in October. Unfortunately it's in South Africa again, but this time in Cape Town. Not sure if I will bother. Next year World's are in Reno, but by then I may have lost my Mojo as I'm not getting any younger. Decisions...

  5. #1475
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Garage Gym


    Man, I'm way behind. Congratulations on a Strong Meet!

  6. #1476
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by skid View Post
    Thanks guys, I've been away from the forum for a week so hadn't seen you posts. Much appreciated!
    Next year World's are in Reno, but by then I may have lost my Mojo as I'm not getting any younger. Decisions...
    everything is relative. as you get older, so does your competition. i think you will be competitive until the day you stop training

  7. #1477
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    I'm starting a new workout today. It's more of a general fitness workout vs powerlifting/heavy weight training. I'm still a bit sick even though it's been almost 10 days now since I caught this nasty cold. Nose is still running and I'm coughing up crap.

    Warm up:
    Cossack squats, sissy squats, and bulgarian split squats - all bodyweight stuff for 2 sets of 6-10 reps

    Tempo paused squats (3/1/0)
    265-5,5,5, - 1st squats since my competition - actually didn't feel too bad despite being almost 2 weeks since last squatting. Went light on these and will slowly add over the next few weeks

    Hack squats - did a couple reps with just the sled but had some knee pain so decided to hold off on these. The movement went easy but I need my knees to fully heal.
    Leg press - Substituted these for hack squats - 270-8,8,8, Went light and easy

    Close grip bench - 265-4,4, - These felt heavy so I stopped at 4 leaving a few reps in the tank. Will slowly ramp these up too.

    Calf raises - 155-10,10,

    Spanish squats - BW-5,5,5, At this point my legs were tired and I didn't feel much like repping these out so stopped way early. Will do more in the weeks to come.
    Planks - 3 x 30 seconds each - again, easy stuff but just breaking in to this new workout.

  8. #1478
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    starting strength coach development program
    Warm up
    Dead hangs - 3 x 30 seconds

    Supinated chinups - BW-5,5,5, - got to start somewhere

    Cable wide grip row - 235-12,12,12,

    Straight bar cable pullover - 80-8,8,8, super setted with
    Hanging leg raises with straight legs - BW-15,15,

    DB shrugs - 75's-15,15, supersetted with
    EZ bar curls - 90-10,10, 3 second eccentric

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