Fri 10/26/18
Week 5 / Day 3
1. Squat 430 x 2 (over-warmup)
2. Dynamic Effort Squat 5 x 3 x 345
3. High Bar 1 & 1/2 Squats 2 x 5 x 275
4. Lying Leg Curls 3 x 5
5. Grip Work
6. Ab work
Weds 10/24/18
Week 5 / Day 2 - DELOAD SESSION
1. Paused Bench Press 3 x 3 x 255
2. Weighted Dips 3 x 6
3. Paused DB Fly 2 x 12
4. Chest Supported Row 2 x 8
5. V-Grip Pulldown 2 x 8
6. DB LTE 2 x 12
Fri 10/26/18
Week 5 / Day 3
1. Squat 430 x 2 (over-warmup)
2. Dynamic Effort Squat 5 x 3 x 345
3. High Bar 1 & 1/2 Squats 2 x 5 x 275
4. Lying Leg Curls 3 x 5
5. Grip Work
6. Ab work
Last edited by Andy Baker (KSC); 10-26-2018 at 05:57 PM.
Sat 10/27/18
Week 5 / Day 4
1. Dynamic Effort Press 12 x 1 x 190 (30 sec rest btw sets)
2. Lat Pulldowns 5 x 10-15
3. Chest Supported Row 3 x 15
4. Close Grip Bench 3 x 6 x 255
Hey Andy for a mid-late intermediate on a 4 day split what are some general go to speed work rep schemes/rest times. Looking for a light day change of pace and to get some more technique work in.
Thinking about giving this a shot or whatever you recommend.
Press 10-15 singles 65/67.5/70 2 min rest
Squat 60/65/70 2-3 min rest
Thank your sir, glad to see you back at it!!!!
Yeah I generally think that 60-70% is the sweet spot for most speed work. It depends a little bit on the lift and the lifter though so you don’t wanna get too hung up on %. Fudge the weight as needed so that weight is moving fast but not out of control. A good rule of thumb is that you should have to TRY fairly hard to keep the weight moving fast (ie I don’t have to try very hard to move 40% fast) but that there is no loss of speed from first set to last set.
This is my first go round with Press singles for DE work so the jury is still out. In the past I’ve always just done the traditional 8-10x3 on Presses. What I can say is that I did 190 for DE Press yesterday and it moved faster than 170 did a few weeks ago. BUT I’m also recovering from injury/layoff so that kinda skews things.
Mon 10/29/18
Week 6 / Day 1
1. Recovery Squat 6 x 2 x 275 (30 sec btw sets)
2. Over-Warm Up Deadift - work up to 470 x 2
3. Speed Deads 5 x 3 x 400
4. Contrast RDL (5 sec eccentric, explosive concentric) 2 x 5 x 300
5. Meadows Rows 3 x 6 x 100
6. Grip Work
Wednesday 10/31/18
Week 6 / Day 2
1. Paused Bench Press 3 x 3 x 300
2. DC Bench Press 270 x 6+2+1
3. Weighted Dips 3 x 5 x 45
4. Paused DB Floor Fly 3 x 15
5. Seal Rows w/ 3" Camber Bar 3 x 8 x 135
6. Lat Pulldowns 3 x 12
7. Tate Press 3 x 8-10 x 40s
How are you gripping your speed deads now? DOH?
DOH with straps