9/16/2020 ~ 8:30 PM - 11:00 PM
290x5, 260x5x2
150x5, 135x5x2
Weigh Out: 226.2 lbs
The first squat and press sets were both pretty damn grindy and wore me out. So I opted to modify both lifts' programming to the 1x5, 2x5 @ 90% model for the rest of my LP. I feel I'm closing in on the end here. Been resting ~11 minutes between sets, making appropriate weight jumps, gaining weight and sleeping well.
Deadlifts felt pretty heavy last time and felt more like a set of three followed by two singles. Rather than re-setting I've opted to move down to 2 sets of triples, which felt really good.
So I'm sort of running out LP while also starting to "run out" the deadlift TM style. Hopefully these modifications let me continue to put weight on the bar for the next few weeks. I've decided to try to avoid any kind of reset unless absolutely necessary, at which point I will probably just move that lift's programming to TM style.
I don’t think it’s bad to “run out” some of these lifts either, since it’ll give me practice handling loads closer to 1RM for the meet.
Lastly, I’ve decided since I’m making so many advanced novice changes to just go ahead and do the one on, two off schedule as well to reduce frequency. So next workout will be Saturday.
Last edited by Eric Schexnayder; 09-17-2020 at 07:06 AM.
9/19/2020 ~10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Bench Press
Chin Ups
BW x {8, 6, 6}
Weight Out: 223.4 lbs
Was such a beautiful day that I decided to lift in the morning and enjoy the weather. Definitely better today with the 2 days of rest. I’m thinking I’m going to keep the bench to the more traditional novice progression (re: resets) since it’s not a competition lift.
Last edited by Eric Schexnayder; 09-20-2020 at 07:01 PM.
9/22/2020 ~8:45 PM - 9:35 PM
Argh. What a frustrating workout. The 295 lb squat just took everything out of me and 275 did not want to cooperate. Moved on to the Press so as not to compromise it and got stuck there too. And to top off the frustration, I finally built myself a plywood platform to lift on and it raised my rack just high enough so my 45s on the press are hitting the rafters and of fucking course the plates are just perfectly aligned with the rafters why on earth would they have fallen somewhere in the 16” space between them I mean seriously now I have to move my entire platform over like 4 inches just to be able to lift.
Whew. After all that just called it a night. I’m thinking a full on Texas Method approach is in order to get things back on track. Mostly because I apparently respond to high intensity by shutting down, so I think it makes sense to have a separate intensity day for me. Not quite sure how I’ll get into that seeing as how it’s the middle of the week right now. At this point with only about 7.5 weeks left I need steady progress to get close to my goals. Also I clearly need practice with several sets of singles. Don’t want to be gassed at the meet after the first two squat attempts.
To the drawing board.
9/24/2020 ~8:30 PM - 9:45 PM
8 minutes rest
Bench Press
10 minutes rest
Chin Ups
BW x {7, 6, 4}
5 minutes rest
Weigh Out: 226.0 lbs
Bench was a surprise as I was planning to start micro loading tonight. But the warm ups felt pretty strong so I gave it a shot. Glad I did.
9/26/2020 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM
295x4 (#5 ended up on the safeties, not the hooks)
345x1 (second one wouldn’t break off the floor)
Rough session today. I decided I want to try to milk the novice gains as much as possible so aimed for 3 sets of 5 on my next weights and didn’t do so hot. My recent programming changes probably have something to do with it. In any case, these three lifts have probably been overdue for a reset for some time. Since I had the time I opted to do the first workout of the reset period for these lifts today.
On the deadlift I probably didn’t rest long enough after the failed set. But, it felt way harder than it should have. I’m probably going to drop it another 10%, to 285, and go back to deadlifting every other session, dropping the chin ups.
Last edited by Eric Schexnayder; 09-26-2020 at 11:12 AM.
9/29/2020 ~ 9:00 PM - 10:45 PM
Bench Press
Power Clean
Weigh Out: 227 lbs
Good workout. Everything felt strong.
10/2/2020 ~ 9:00 PM - 10:20 PM
Weigh Out: 228.4 lbs
Quick and easy.
Schedule goofed up due to kiddos’ activities + getting adequate sleep for work.
Trying Friday / Sunday / Tuesday.
10/4/2020 ~8:15 PM - 10:45 PM
Bench Press
215 X {5, 5, 4}
Power Clean
Weigh Out: 226.4 lbs
Just barely missed the last rep of the bench press. I think the bar got a little out of balance. Next time for sure.
10/6/2020 ~8:15 PM - 9:45 PM
Rough session. Had to rest an additional 5 minutes (total of about 15 min) between squat sets 2 and 3. Last 2 reps of sets 2 & 3 were real grinders. Definitely need the light squat day with this next training week coming up.
Everything else pretty good. Rep 5 of deadlift was rough. Looking forward to my two days off.
I really like the way you reason your way through adjustments from session to session. Kudos for putting in the mental and physical work.
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