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Thread: Cole's HLM/TM

  1. #331
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Intensity Day

    370 x 5
    i wouldnt say these were hard, but after video review, they didnt move fast. i hope for some improvement in my top end squats in the weeks to come

    Bench Press
    290 x 5
    pretty smooth. not too much trouble here. last TM cycle i took these to 295x5 so i am on track to beat that this cycle.

    410 x 5
    maybe the fastest 4+ plates have ever moved. deadlifts on a roll. not sure what i am doing, as im only doing one set of 5 per week. ive always suspected i do better with very low deadlift volume.

    we are redoing our kitchen, so its hard to cook right now. so for lunch i snuck out and grabbed some chicken biryani from an indian place in town. wife came home later this afternoon and i was working and she came in and said she ordered biryani for dinner lol. so i get it twice today. i was a little worried about my lower back after the tweak on tuesday, but it has been fine. some slight discomfort from laying down at night that has been interupting my sleep a bit but not interfering with training. glad i got this out of the way today even though it meant training 2 days in a row. tomorrow im off to the Avs game at ball arena with my wife an NO KIDS fuck yea

    Squat - YouTube
    Bench - YouTube
    DL - YouTube

  2. #332
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Volume Day

    335 x 5 x 5
    re did this weight from last week so i could do 5x5. it was easy, in fact the first set may have been one of my better squat sets from a technique standpoint in a while. i was really able to hip drive with some explosiveness and kept the bar pretty mid foot the whole time.

    155 x 5 x 5
    major delt pump! can barely lift my arms now.

    macros yesterday were 3200cal and 238protein. starting today im adding a shake with dinner so ill be doing 3 shakes a day, scoops each time which should help me get to 250/day. if i gain weight thats fine, as long as my waist stays 40 or below. if it goes above 40, i will have to restrict a bit. i also may need to have a liquid curfew of like 6p bc i keep having to wake up 2x a night to piss. old man problems i guess. its fun being in your 5th decade...

    Squat - YouTube

  3. #333
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    waist=41 (not good)

    treadmil / airdyne intervals - 30 minutes

    yesterdays macros: 3500c/286p
    ive gained a couple inches around the waist as of late. id love to be able to fill out the 110kg class with a 40in or less waist but i dont think thats gonna happen...

  4. #334
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Recovery Day

    Squat (-20%)
    275 x 5 x 2
    easy. just working on the basics like pushing out the knees and hip drive.

    Bench Press (-10%)
    235 x 5 x 3
    tried 2 sets beltless, i dont really think it helps and if anything it makes the setup a little different so im gonna stick with belted for all working sets on all movements.

    bw x 5 x 3
    bicep tendon was ok today

    not much to report on this easy recovery day. i did go ahead and guy a box of vertical diet meals from stan efferding. i think it will help bc my kitchen will be out of service here shortly as we are re doing it. so this way i have easy, frozen meals that are high in protein and i know the macros. it will help so that i dont end up having to go out for every meal. it was 160 bucks for 12 meals. about 14 per. well see if they are any good.

  5. #335
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Intensity Day

    375 x 5
    the only thing im seeing is that im letting the bar crush my upper body into my knees while in the hole. its not a glaring technical deficiency, but it makes it harder to ascend, especially when this gets to 405+. i need to be keeping those trunk muscles tight and set, and raise the hips and chest, not just the hips on the ascent.

    170 x 5
    man, i just kleep thinking they will get hard and they dont. not complaining

    415 x 5
    first rep was great. got a pec cramp on 2nd rep, weird. reps 3-5 from the ground to the knees were great, but i need to work on keeping my upper back tighter so it doesnt round and slow down my lockout. this weight was noticeable harder than last week. i will keep going up 5 pounds until i actuallt fail to get 5.

    -great session, but just after finishing squats i heard loud banging on the ceiling above me. i had to go breakup a fight between my sons, who are home from school, again...they give these kids too many days off.
    -ive been reviewing some successful lifters logs lately and im noticing they have 2 things in common: 1, they all get stuck at some point and fail their new PR they are aiming for. they dont give up or switch programs or reset load, they persist until they get it. 2, they all have to work around aches, pains, or even injuries and they do so without taking time off.
    -going to the AVS game tonight with the wife against the Ducks. so far, we are 0-4 and need a win!

    Squat - YouTube
    Press - YouTube
    DL - YouTube

  6. #336
    Join Date
    Aug 2022


    starting strength coach development program
    Form looks nice and crisp. Good job. I notice your head is pointing down on deadlift instead of 12-15 feet in front. Might help to establish and maintain that thoracic extension.

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