Intensity Day

370 x 5
i wouldnt say these were hard, but after video review, they didnt move fast. i hope for some improvement in my top end squats in the weeks to come

Bench Press
290 x 5
pretty smooth. not too much trouble here. last TM cycle i took these to 295x5 so i am on track to beat that this cycle.

410 x 5
maybe the fastest 4+ plates have ever moved. deadlifts on a roll. not sure what i am doing, as im only doing one set of 5 per week. ive always suspected i do better with very low deadlift volume.

we are redoing our kitchen, so its hard to cook right now. so for lunch i snuck out and grabbed some chicken biryani from an indian place in town. wife came home later this afternoon and i was working and she came in and said she ordered biryani for dinner lol. so i get it twice today. i was a little worried about my lower back after the tweak on tuesday, but it has been fine. some slight discomfort from laying down at night that has been interupting my sleep a bit but not interfering with training. glad i got this out of the way today even though it meant training 2 days in a row. tomorrow im off to the Avs game at ball arena with my wife an NO KIDS fuck yea

Squat - YouTube
Bench - YouTube
DL - YouTube