

Weight Class:-100 M4A

First meet in over 38 years:Absolute Recomp Rookie Meet August 27, 2022. I had Covid for about 6 weeks and did the meet about a week and a half after getting over Covid.

Results:Five State Record Certificates. Now training for the USAPL Nationals in Memphis, TN in September, 2023.

Health:January 9, 2020 I had two massive widow maker heart attacks while doing deadlifts: Rushed to the hospital and emergency open heart surgery. I lost from 215 pounds down to 150 and spent 30 days in ICU. They tell me only 6% of the people who have widow makers live, so the name. They also told me no one had ever survived 2 widow makers on the same day. Man do I feel lucky!

I started back training July of 2019 using Starting Strength. I can't do low bar squats though as my right shoulder is really a mess and no mobility in it. Then after the heart attacks I started again in August 2021. I did Starting Strength for about 3 more months then changed to my present 8x3 program and 5x3 when it gets really heavy for me. I don't count the sets until 315 and above.

Friday, January 13, 2023 workout.


My next meet is May 20th and I hope to be setting some new state records but at my age you never can tell. For all the young guns saying age is just a state of mind, well, bull shit on that! It is a state of decay and it just gets harder to keep up. I will try until I pass away. Sit around on your ass and you will surely die!!! Good lifting to everyone.1E9FC065-DB48-497B-B1CB-DB5630927BA8.jpg