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Thread: Sub-maximal deadlift programming?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Sub-maximal deadlift programming?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Me: 45 year old early intermediate, somewhat recovery challenged due to work/family/life, stress, not enough sleep, etc.

    My back: I have a herniated disc at L5-S1. Strength training has helped tremendously. My back is "bulletproof" in terms of normal day to day life.

    My problem: As my deadlift has increased to currently 385, I feel like I'm close to the limits of what I can safely deadlift given the herniated disc and my current programming that calls for a PR every Friday. As the weight has gone up my low back is now almost constantly sore, I continue to have minor injuries every few months, and I'm not a pussy but if I'm being honest I'm pretty much at the point where I'm scared of deadlifting on Friday.

    My question: I'm currently doing "old man" texas method, at least for squats and deadlifts. Every intensity day is an RPE 9.5/10 for deadlifts, which I feel is just too much for my low back. Is there some other type of sub-maximal deadlift programming I can use to continue to develop and strengthen the posterior chain, and help offset all the sitting in front of computers that I do? I've never done any type of RPE work, but I feel like my "heavy" deadlifts should be around an RPE 8 and not 10. I don't seem to have a problem with higher volume, it's just the RPE 10/PR weights that seem to be a problem.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Are you trying to do a one set of 5 every Friday?? And are you doing any other pulling or is this it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Baker (KSC) View Post
    Are you trying to do a one set of 5 every Friday?? And are you doing any other pulling or is this it?
    Yup, just one set of 5 on Friday for DL. I can't do the other pulling exercises due to a messed up shoulder, but I also do rows and chins a few times a week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by dsiomtw View Post
    [...] I can't do the other pulling exercises due to a messed up shoulder, but I also do rows and chins a few times a week.
    You can deadlift but you can't do movements that are similar, due to a shoulder? What does a SLDL, RDL, or even a deficit deadlift do to the shoulder that a conventional DL does not?

    Also, you perform the shoulder-centric movements that are the row/chin?

    I'm sure since Andy's here he can prescribe something with more confidence than I can so I'm just trying to understand your presumed limitations.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    He’s probably talking cleans and snatches.

    In general you need to probably start playing with some variables. I’d start with adding some volume on Monday at perhaps 2-3x5 at perhaps -10% from current 1x5 and then increasing intensity on Friday and working on a 3 week rotation of different rep ranges. Start with something like 5x385, 3x400, 1-2x415. Simple shit like that can last for quite a while

    I also wouldn’t rule out taking an easy week on deads or even not deadlifting for a week if your low back hasn’t had a break for a while

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    starting strength coach development program
    Ya sorry I wasn't more clear. Definitely can't clean or snatch. I can do any type of deadlift. My shoulder is fine with chins, and fine with rows as well as long as I don't do them explosively and don't pull my elbows TOO far back. I also have to limit my bench press and can only lower the bar to about an inch off my chest. Presses are also fine as long as I do them super strict, but again I have to slightly limit the range because I can't lower the bar all the way to the front of my delts else there is pain.

    Thanks for the ideas Andy. I will definitely give that some thought and formulate a new plan based on that and give it a go.

    I absolutely do take an entire week off every 8-12 weeks, or earlier if I need to. I've experimented with deloads, light weeks, and everything else but I've found that what works best for me is taking an entire week off every once in a while. The rest is great for my body and I come back at the same weight feeling even stronger.

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