Yeah Rip said they ended the relationship, he posted briefly on it here:
Does anyone know if Rip de-affiliated? I tried going to and it directs to the WFAC home page, and no more mention of CFWF. Not surprising, just curious if this is the end of any ties to CF from Rip.
Yeah Rip said they ended the relationship, he posted briefly on it here:
Ahh, I knew the certs were done, but didn't realize that post also meant he was no longer an affiliate. Interesting to note that the WFAC site still has links for Robb Wolf and CFFB.
Wonderful idea, execution is getting a little dodgy. I think the movement towards combining gpp with strength/power lifting is well and growing.
wrt, Mr. Rippetoe, he has his own, what appears to be quite successful business niche, that while it has historically aligned well with the x-fit regime doesn't require it.
Robb and Greg leaving is one thing....but losing Rip is really going to hurt them. Dummies. Anyone know why Rip actually left?
It's a shame that they took down the CFWF site. They had some of the best and most thoughtfully programmed metcons that I've seen from any of the affiliates.
Perhaps if we ask nicely, Mr. Lascek we provide some of the old workouts here for us.
I'm attaching the basic CrossFit Wichita programming template to this post for anyone who doesn't have it.
Personally, I'd follow Justin's advice and keep the met-cons as short as 8 min.
You all owe me fuckin big time. These are legit:
20 - 15 - 10 for time of:
- KB swings
- box jumps
- push-ups
With a 100 to 200 yard run at the beginning of each round.
Notes: This works well on a Tuesday.
4 rounds for time of:
- 200 m run
- 10 pull-ups
- 10 box jumps
Notes: My “normal population” group finished in under 10 minutes. I had one group do it for five rounds and that was too many (because it was too long). Remember, if it’s too long,
then they could have done less work harder, producing a stress that would have been better to get the desired adaptation of improved metabolic conditioning.
6 rounds of:
- 50 yard run (above 75% effort)
- 2 heavy tire flips
- 2 medium tire flips
- 2 light tire flips
Notes: The tires are spaced evenly between the ends of the 50 yard track. The trainee moves 15 feet or so to the next tire. This worked really well with a teenager who is relatively
new to met-cons. The walks between tires gave him a bit of rest. Worked out well.
Last edited by nisora33; 12-08-2009 at 09:37 PM. Reason: Forgot to include Justin's comments on the met-cons