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Thread: 3 inch belts?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default 3 inch belts?

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I know this has been asked a few times between this forum and 70s Big if I'm not mistaken, but I've never seen any real answer (maybe no one knows?) but I have been looking for a 3 inch wide lifting belt for my stubby torso. Maybe my google-fu is weak but I haven't been able to find any offerings on the internet. Obviously (yes Kyle Aaron, obviously) from the discussion of the last few weeks, belts are beneficial, and right now my tapered 2.5 inch to 4 inch belt is tiding me over, but I'd like to invest in a good 3 inch belt that won't crush my lower ribs like a 4 inch belt will. I've seen suggestions to call up the belt maker and special order a 3 inch width, is this the best suggestion? Which belt company do you all suggest would be most likely to get me a quality specially ordered 3 inch belt? All belt thoughts are welcome, I know I'm not the only lifter out here who is looking for a 3 inch belt.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Bob's Belts has the Junior, which is a 3" all the way around. There's also some 2.5" bench belts out now, from some companies like Safe-USA.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    That Junior belt should be perfect for me. Thanks a lot dehoff!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    There are some 4" belts designed to cause less hitching, in case you want to try and get all 4" to push against:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    That Spud Inc. deadlift belt is interesting. Now, I assume its called a deadlift belt due to the fact that it "gives" more around the edges to facilitate the starting position of the deadlift. However, that is a different idea to think about for a person with a short torso to use for squatting. What do you guys think, would this 4 inch more flexible belt give me better support for squatting than a 3 inch leather or suede belt? I honestly have no idea as to which might be better, all opinions are welcome.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Opinion nothing...I want to ask a question.
    Are you wearing your belt over the navel or down around the waist like a fashion model? I see so many guys at gyms who think it's for holding up their pants. When I used to get bruised, it was on the legs though, because I didn't know any better either.
    And what's a few bruises in a session? Blood and Badges. Worry more about lifting. I'm not "stubby" but I wouldn't trade my 4" PL belt for anything else.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Valid question, I guess, but no, I know how to wear a belt. Roughly across the belly button in front, and between the anterior superior iliac spine (sharp hip bone) and the floating ribs (lowest part of your ribcage) on the sides. For me, and I can only speak for myself, a 4 inch belt covers a significant portion of my floating ribs when situated just above my hip bone, leading me to believe that squatting any amount of weight with a belt of this size will not be kind to my ribs.

    Blood and badges are all fine and good in a training session - until its your ribs being displaced and cartilage pushed around (which has happened to larger men than I) especially when it can be avoided by a proper fitting belt. I don't think thats unreasonable.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    It's pretty obvious when you've got an improper fitting belt right? It should be painfully catching along your ribs or hip right?

    I'm 5" 10 and the 4 inch belt seems to fit fine. I can set up to pull, press, and squat fine. But I don't have tons of room to play with at my height. Any tips for making sure its fitting right?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I'm 5'11" myself, with a fairly medium torso and I don't have much playroom either using a 4"x1/2" PL belt. But the support is suprisingly better compared to my 4" single ply leather belt, which I thought was tha 'shizzit' for a long time. I find it touching my ribs, but simply have no damage for some reason.
    It occurs to me that some guys ribcages may pronate the lower ribs more than others. That would make a belt hit them rather than ride over them. Just a guess.

    I thought the one review on this POS belt pretty much says it:
    Last edited by quadancer; 12-17-2009 at 05:08 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    starting strength coach development program

    I'm 5'6'' and am also interested buying in a 3'' belt. I found one a few months ago at, but now that I have the money it's no longer there. Keep us posted on what you find.

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