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Thread: Finally a decent SS record!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Finally a decent SS record!

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi everyone,
    I am doing SS now, about 3 months into the program.
    I have made tons of resets and technique check on my squats until I was able to do a proper LB squat with a good depth and without coming up in a GM, but I am breaking PRs now and coming up nicely.
    Was also injured twice, and my BP and press were and still are stuck as I can't break new records yet.

    I don't have bumper plates, but I am doing the program as it is, and also involve PC being careful not to drop the bar, and I just love the 5X3 I do on the PC, they obviously strengthen my DL a lot and vice versa.

    I wasn't that skinny when I started SS but I did go up from 82KG to 94kg(like 210) atm height is 1.86, most jeans won't fit, but I am way stronger.
    My program was like this:


    I am now adding chinups each workout until I can do 15 reps per set on my BW, I got really weak at chinups, and I was able to do 12 before SS

    The reason I was so happy and fealt I need to share the enthusiasm with everyone is I recently deadlifted(yesterday) 140KG(315 lbs) for 5 reps, and I am still going up by jumps of 5 kilograms. On the last workout I used chalk and boy does it help!
    My PC are currently at 65KG, and going up by 2.5KG jumps. also

    I hope I can reach high number soon on my squats also, but atm nothing is stopping me

    Boy SS is awesome, if you are willing to work hard, you'll eventually get stronger, no matter how messed up your tecnique gets(belive me I know)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Congratulations on the PR. That's a nice deadlift!

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