Nice. I'm forced to use high bar.
What are your stats? I'm 6'6" and 330lbs. What's your SS worksets? 1RM? (Just trying to find others my size.)
Nice. I'm forced to use high bar.
What are your stats? I'm 6'6" and 330lbs. What's your SS worksets? 1RM? (Just trying to find others my size.)
I tried to do HB but I just hate it. I can't find a good spot to put the bar and I try to use the PC to drive it up.
I'm going to run the 40 Day Program with FS and see if that helps.
for those concerned with aesthetics, does the HB squat let you get your #s up without giving you an ass with a gravitational pull? just curious, have no intentions of switching
"for those concerned with aesthetics, does the HB squat let you get your #s up without giving you an ass with a gravitational pull?"
This statement is confusing. Why would those with an eye towards aesthetics not want massive glutes and hamstrings?
i meant your typical gym bros .. and im convinced my ass is bigger than any bodybuilders
please dont respond with pictures
and its my understanding that HB reduces the glute's involvement, or the hamstrings, or both..
If anything your ass will grow more with HB.
When you LB, the job of hip extension is distributed among glutes, hams and adductors. In HB, the hamstrings are shortened and therefore don't contribute much to the movement, so the task is therefore split up between adductors and glutes almost exclusively, forcing your glutes to work harder. You've never seen an only lifter from behind, eh?
285lbs x 5 today.
Still feels like butter. Might try 315lbs 3x5 Monday.