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Thread: Looking for advice on next few months of training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Looking for advice on next few months of training

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hello everybody, in this post i am looking for advice on where to go with training in the coming months

    I have been following SS since the summer and have been doing AN since around october. My novice phase is not yet over but is drawing to a close and i am beginning to plan for the next stage (this statement applies only to the squat, my other lifts need to stay on LP and catch up).

    Here is a video of my latest squat set of 187.5kg x5 as i'm down to one heavy set of 5 twice a week. Set starts at around 1 minute in.

    I have several ideas on what i might do when the squat eventually stalls and wondered what everyone thought of them:

    1. Reset 10-20% and build back up using Greyskull LP
    2. Same as one but reset to a beltless weight and build up my beltless squat.
    3. Do something crazy and run a linear progression on 20 rep squats
    4.Move to more intermediate style programming.
    5. Do a cut

    Most of my ideas involve using fairly standard LP style programming. I am reluctant to move to the texas method as its rate of progress is extremely slow and i believe i can still gain strength faster than 2.5kg a week, albiet probably in different rep ranges to 5s (e.g 20 reps or AMRAP sets in GSLP)

    Also, i would like to lose fat at some point as i am 6'2 c.240lbs and c.20-25% bodyfat (complete guess). Ideally, i want to try and gain strength on this cut and may run something like an HLM program as i have seen that recommended to people with my goal on this board. I haven't decided when i am going to do this cut and may do another LP style program before it.

    Anyway, sorry for the long winded post but i guess my question boils down to this: Which of my ideas for the new squat programming should i use (if any!) when SS AN stalls.

    Equally, is my form so horrendous that it warrants an immediate reset and change in programming?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    The video says not available in the country. I'm not sure what that means, but may have to do with a music copyright.

    You need to decide what your main goal is. You're a bit all over the place right now, and that seems to be causing you to be unsure as to your next steps. Decide the goal, and a suitable program for it will be easier to figure out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Yeah sorry about the video, it was blocked due to music copyright. I guess that's the consequence in a commercial gym.

    The link below should work (starts at 1 min)

    Let's say my main goal was to gain strength while improving my body composition and losing fat, preferably while being able to work on my squat technique. What would be the best course of action to take in pursuit of that objective?

    That's my ideal goal but i don't know if its even possible to get stronger while losing fat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    It's difficult to watch that video and comment anything useful. The angle cuts a good bit of you off, and the frame rate seems to be off. Looks like you're a little deep, and lose some tightness/get into your knees a bit at the bottom. Nothing awful, but should be cleaned up.

    Your goal is three goals. And gaining strength while losing fat, for someone who is already pretty strong, is difficult. A H/L/M variation - as you guessed - might suit you, along with your preferred method of cutting. Remember that in the grand scheme of things, weekly progress is still pretty fast. If you've exhausted your linear progression, re-setting 20% just for the sake of doing more LP isn't yielding gains, it's yielding a waste of time regaining strength you already had. If you need a re-set because you're exhausted, that's a different story.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Yeah, my form needs some work so i'll try to fix those issues. I'll probably end up doing some sort of HLM on a 5-10% calorie deficit, potentially with more calorific meals before the heavy day.

    When you say resetting to more LP isn't yielding gains, surely this can be productive if different rep ranges are used. For example, if a trainee resets to 70% of their 5rm and follows a 20 rep squat program and is then able to do 20 reps with the old 5rm or close to it, gains have been made despite resetting to use essentially novice style LP programming ( bar the rep range).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I want to see a video of you taking your 3x5 squats out to the legit, bitter end and then coming back and hitting that number for 20.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Campitelli View Post
    I want to see a video of you taking your 3x5 squats out to the legit, bitter end and then coming back and hitting that number for 20.
    Ha that'd be crazy! I'll post a video if that every happens though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ironanus View Post
    Ha that'd be crazy! I'll post a video if that every happens though.
    If that would be crazy to the point of being improbable, why did you suggest it?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    I just spent 25 mins typing a reply, complete with alternative plan for training but my post got swallowed. So here is a much abridged version:

    Not improbable in the slightest, want to cut first, 20 reps 2-3x a week bad idea on cut. Will eventually do. Was referring to a crazy amount of progress that it would represent rather than likelihood of ever achieving such a feat.

    Here is planned cut program with objective to gain/maintain as much strength as possible. Based on HLM routine and critique will be much appreciated:
    5x1-start 5lbs heavier than last 5 rep set on SS advanced novice.
    2x5 beltless or 3x3 front squat. What would be better in your opinion?
    3x5@80-85% of monday.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Do the 2x5 beltless on Wednesday at about 75-80% of Friday. You'll probably want to move to triples, doubles, singles etc on Mondays before too long, but give it a try and see.

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