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Thread: Does Linear progression actually end?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2023

    Default Does Linear progression actually end?

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    Does Linear progression actually end? Or does the rate of strength adaption just become slower than an intermediate program would be?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by ColeTrain View Post
    Does Linear progression actually end? Or does the rate of strength adaption just become slower than an intermediate program would be?
    Linear progression is just adding weight each work out, so yes it ends, you will physically feel it when you cant recover every 48. Then you progess weekly to bi weekly to monthly or more. The cover of the book you need to buy shows this process in a asymptotic line graph. (A line that never ends and that come close to another line but never touches.) Well in our case the line ends when we die.

  4. #4
    mathgainer Guest


    I think there is a point that is missing and that is the rate of weight gain. If you can gain weight optimally (endomorph or mesomorph) then your linear progression will truly be finished when you can no longer add 5lb to the bar 2x or 3x per week. For ectomorphs I actually think this doesn't apply. The reason they stop being able to add weight to the bar is not because they are at the end of their linear progression but because the rate of weight gain has not been fast enough.

    How is it possible that the weight on the bar increased then? There are multiple reasons for this but usually bodyweight gain is not one (unless their bodyweight has actually increased significantly, which usually requires 5-6000 calories per day for an ectomorph).

    What is the solution? Either re-do the NLP consuming enough calories or accept that you have left a lot of gains on the table when you move onto intermediate programming and are not achieving your full potential. I guess you can always start consuming enough during intermediate programming and your ultimate strength and muscle gains will not be less than if you did this from the start.

    Also I think the graph should mention "for a given bodyweight" or "given range of bodyweights" e.g. 70-75kg or something, because if your bodyweight becomes higher than you can use the NLP to reach your strength potential for the new bodyweight. As I said I think that this can also be accomplished alongside intermediate programming, no need to go back and re-do an NLP if it was done correctly. Maybe I am wrong though.

    Just to clarify a bit more.

    Someone who starts and ends at 75kg stalls early but can still complete a NLP. They probably will not reach the 2/3/4 numbers which are reached by those of higher bodyweight.

    Someone who starts and ends at 85kg will stall slightly beyond the 75kg person and may reach the 2/3/4 numbers.

    Someone who starts at 70kg and gains 2kg per week and ends at 100kg is constantly on an NLP for their new bodyweight each week, this is why they are able to progress. When their WEIGHT GAIN starts to stall, it is only a matter of time before their NLP starts to stall. So really what happens is that they start the NLP at their final bodyweight of 100kg, and then progress until they stall as in the previous examples.

    What is the difference between gaining 30kg before even starting the NLP and THEN doing the NLP?

    This is an interesting question. I think that there will be more fat gained than muscle if one gains the 30kg without simultaneously strength training. Therefore they will have less muscle at 100kg and therefore less to do the NLP with, if that makes sense. Their eventual numbers will be higher but not as high as the person who started NLP at 70kg and ended at 100kg.

    It's like when you add yogurt to milk to make yogurt. Heat is needed though, this is provided by training and protein.

    This is why gomad is so useful, the yogurt is the heat from the training/protein which coagulates the milk calories into muscle just like yogurt coagulates milk to make more yogurt.

    Matter and form. Matter is fat/milk and form is muscle/yogurt.

    Muscle corresponds to training and protein.

    If you can't do GOMAD, it is a sign that you are not training hard enough or consuming enough protein.

    When I train, why does it become so easy to drink litres of milk at a time? I can easily down 1-2 litres of milk after a squat session. And the muscle protein synthesis is immediately evident. The skin glows, it becomes tight and hot, you enter into a state of euphoria, you can feel the muscle protein synthesis as it occurs. Am I the only one who feels this?

    GOMAD is not only the key but also the barometer. It is a test.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    This is truly some profound shit, MG. I stand in awe.

  6. #6
    mathgainer Guest


    Did I write that? I get carried away sometimes, please accept my apologies.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by mathgainer View Post
    Did I write that? I get carried away sometimes, please accept my apologies.
    Man, honestly words like meso, endo don't worrie about them. Yes some people have slower and faster metabolism. No man got fat eatting 2000 calories and no man got skinny eatting 6000 calories unless he does alot of catabolic stuff. Add or take away 500 calories to your diet can help with weight gain or loss. Also in my experance any body fat over 25 percent is usless for men in terms of extending strength progession. Let me keep it simple for you. Eat 4000 calories, if you are fat you prob can get by with a little less if you are skinny a little more. Eat alot of meat and dairy for protien and fat. Do the NLP till you cant recover every 48 then switch to the advanced linear program. Once that stops it turns into a little bit of trial and error. The texas method was my first intermediate program then I did the 4 day split. The grey book has these programs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by mathgainer View Post
    Did I write that? I get carried away sometimes, please accept my apologies.
    You write long screeds without realising you've written them? Are you an alcoholic and are most of your posts written while drunk? Would explain some things

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by biggah_traps View Post
    You write long screeds without realising you've written them? Are you an alcoholic and are most of your posts written while drunk? Would explain some things
    Whatever it is, it is now gone.

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