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Thread: Rift public journal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Rift public journal

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    33 YO
    190 lbs

    First entry and excuses. I was sick (I never get sick) Sun-Tue.
    I've been doing madcow's intermediate 5X5 and decided to back it up to the SS 5X5 (starting in the middle of the week).

    So, Madcow 5th set was last 220 (Friday-165 on Wednesday I guess)
    Today after SS calculated warm up sets
    (My left knee started hurting for some reason, not like I was using it to lift, but rather it felt like I was rotating it funny-Keep an eye on it and wrap it next time to be sure)

    Overhead press (I have to do seated because my ceiling is only 7' tall and it's usually very cold out)
    Madcow 5th set was 126 (Wed)
    Today after SS calculated warm up sets

    Dead Lift
    Madcow 5th set was 311

    Today after SS calculated Warmup
    250X5 (too heavy?) 200X5X5 (WTF??-It's dead lifts, how could my weight go down so much? did I puke that much strength when I was sick? My form was all jacked up too)

    The only thing I can think of is that today was the first day back to eating fully since saturday, maybe these guys and their pushing nutrition all the time have something. On the other hand I didn't drink any beer the whole time, so maybe that was the problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Well, on the advice of some people here I started from scratch with SS. Nothing fancy, way light. I did take a week off to fully recover from a re-sickening. Also, if anyone doesn't mind checking my form...I don't wantto go to far doing it wrong again. Thanks
    (I think my back isn't vertical enough due to over exagerating the hip drive)
    2x5 45
    1x5 50
    1x3 75
    1x2 100
    3x5 125
    2x5 45
    1x5 50
    1x3 70
    1x2 90
    3x5 100
    2x5 55
    1x3 85
    1x2 120
    1x5 145

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by rift View Post
    Well, on the advice of some people here I started from scratch with SS. Nothing fancy, way light. I did take a week off to fully recover from a re-sickening. Also, if anyone doesn't mind checking my form...I don't wantto go to far doing it wrong again. Thanks
    (I think my back isn't vertical enough due to over exagerating the hip drive)
    My 2c

    The initial hip drive is definitely there and you'r right the back angle goes a bit too horizontal immediately after. the weight shifts from being over your midfoot to your toes. So you then extend at your knees. To restore the back angle you use your hips again and do a good morning. Extending the knees will kill your hip drive with heavy weights and doing the GM will kill your back.

    After the initial hip drive, the hips continue acting and the knees extend simultaneously to finish the squat. so it's (1) hips followed by (2)hips +knees. You're doing (1) hips (2) knees, (3) hips. The back angle out of the hole is actually spot on - you just need to maintain it throughout the ascent.

    I think if your try to smooth it all together it will be spot on. I've found a useful cue when you're coming out of the hole is to think "chest up" while you're driving your hips up. Actively pushing your knees out will also accomplish this, as it will keep the weight over your midfoot as opposed to your toes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Great,, thanks. That really helped a lot. I applied what you said to the last two workouts and it seemed a lot smoother. Once I start oicking up heavier loads I'll post another video to judge.
    Since I forgot to post the last two workouts.
    Squat 2x5 45
    1x5 50
    1x3 75
    1x2 100
    3x5 130

    Press (seated due to low ceilings)
    2x5 45
    1x5 40
    1x3 55
    1x2 65
    3x5 80

    Power cleans just working on form now since I've never done them before. Fun though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    2x5 45
    1x5 50
    1x3 80
    1x2 105
    3x5 135
    2x5 45
    1x5 50
    1x3 70
    1x2 90
    3x5 105
    2x5 60
    1x3 90
    1x2 130
    3x5 155

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Squat-Starting to feel like a real workout again, and I'm really concentrating on form.
    2x5 45
    1x5 55
    1x3 80
    1x2 110
    3x5 140

    OH (seated )press
    2x5 45
    1x5 45
    1x3 55
    1x2 70
    3x5 85

    Power Clean-Still working on technique. It fels all right, could be all wrong though. I guess either way I'm pulling some weight up of the ground, that can't be all bad.
    2x5 45
    1x5 30
    1x3 50
    1x2 55
    5x3 60

    All in All it seemed decent enough for such a light amount. I may consider cutting out two warm up sets in each lift. Otherwise I'm racing to get the thing done in under an hour. I don't what's better. The warm ups, or a little bit of rest. Contradictary to both of these things, I need to start getting in some Ancillary work (pull ups and chins have fallen by the way side) like good mornings and so on.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Guess it's been awhile since I posted! Forunatley I haen't missed a workout in that time, so all is good. No real new developments. A couple of weeks ago my left knee was getting sharp pain during squats. I think that was an obvious indicator that my form was off. I had no choice but to really concentrate on NOT using my knees to lift, and that seemed to do the trick. Power cleans are still coming along, I can't say I have great form there (I'm not really even positive I'm doing them correctly).

    Squat 1x5 45
    1x5 70
    1x3 105
    1x2 140
    3x5 180

    Press 1x5 45
    1x5 55
    1x3 70
    1x2 85
    3x5 105

    Power Clean 2x5 45
    1x3 55
    1x2 65
    5x3 80

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    warmup 1x5 45
    warmup 1x5 70
    warmup 1x3 110
    warmup 1x2 145
    working sets 3x5 185

    Good morning 1x8 45
    1x8 50

    warmup 1x5 45
    warmup 1x5 65
    warmup 1x3 90
    warmup 1x2 115
    working sets 3x5 130

    warmup 1x5 80
    warmup 1x3 120
    warmup 1x2 170
    working set 1x5 205

    Everything seemed allright today. Sunday workouts are better because I do them after drinking 4-5 cups of coffee and a huge egg and PB toast breakfast. Need to remember to drink some caffeine before workouts the rest of the week.
    Started with the creatine again. Mostly because I hae some leftover that I want to use up. I can't tell if it has any effect or not.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Well, I guess if I'm going to be lazy about anything, it's best that it's posting about my workouts rather than actually doing them. Once again I was sick and took a week off to mend. Anyway:

    Squat 1x5 45
    1x5 70
    1x3 105
    1x2 140
    3x5 180

    Press 1x5 45
    1x5 55
    1x3 70
    1x2 85
    3x5 105

    Power Clean 3x5 45
    1x3 55
    1x2 65
    5x3 80

    I started with the creatine again today after reading Lon Kilgore's ( he wrote the books too!) proclomation on the subject. I also started taking L-Lysine supplements for a skin related issue. I don't know if they had any effect, but my lifts were a lot more solid than usual. I've also been working with chains on my warmup sets to increase my power.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    192 Lbs

    Squat 2x5 45
    1x5 80
    1x3 125
    1x2 165
    3x5 210

    Press 2x5 45
    1x5 65
    1x3 80
    1x2 100
    3x5 120

    Power Clean 2x5 45
    1x5 50
    1x3 65
    1x2 80
    5x3 95


    Now things are starting to get heavier. My first squat working set is kind of tricky. Also I tend to really favor my right (dominent) side when I'm straghtening my legs towards the end.
    I brought my bar and some weights upstairs to the kitchen to do some standing presses. I really can't tell the difference. It wasn't any harder or easier. I'm going to contiue to do seated.
    Cleans are still sloppy, but I think I at leave have the theory down after studying the youtube video of that one woman who's really good at them.

    Chins I ca usually do 10's across if I haven't lifted before hand, so I'm not super concerned with progress there as I just want to get to 15 before I throw some weight on.

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