How have you not killed yourself yet?
I'm not sure. I currently live in Bothell/Mill Creek which is maybe 20-25 minutes from Redmond and 30-35 minutes from downtown Seattle.
I'm moving to Las Vegas next weekend, though.
How have you not killed yourself yet?
I'm not sure. I currently live in Bothell/Mill Creek which is maybe 20-25 minutes from Redmond and 30-35 minutes from downtown Seattle.
I'm moving to Las Vegas next weekend, though.
Tom, I think you are a little crazy and all over the place, but I respect your passion and desire to achieve something great, and I understand the mental strain that setbacks and physical issues can cause. I am sorry for the difficulty you've endured.
I sincerely hope you eventually find your calling and derive satisfaction from going as far as you can take yourself. Good luck.
Thanks. Yeah, I'm not normal, but I'm mostly okay with that. I believe in myself.
You have been missed. Good to see you back. What up with Vegas?
Thanks, DV.
I've been wanting to move to a bigger city for quite a while now. I'm just looking for more opportunity both economically and in terms of lifestyle. I tried to move to L.A. last year, but I couldn't pull together the resources to get it done after a friend bailed on me. Somewhat to my surprise, Vegas is A LOT cheaper. Because of that, I was able to make thing works financially.
I received about ~$25,000 in venture capital from a family member. I'll be working full-time trying to get an internet marketing company off the ground. I'm terrified and excited. I'm honestly not sure if I can do it, but I tend to work better with adversity than I do under comfortable conditions.
How will you tell when you're 8%...Dexa?
Na, navy body fat method is more than accurate enough for me. At a 17" neck, that'd be a 31" waist. At a 16" neck, that'd be a 30" waist. I'd be very happy with a 30" waist.
Thanks, man. Glad my douchebaggery didn't run you off. You've made a ton of progress. Always good to see people who are excited about training. May your iron honeymoon last forever, lol.
Good luck guy. I haven't looked looked through the bio yet but I think you taught us something about the power of singled pointed dedication last time. Equilibrium with the rest of your life is not easy to achieve but I think you'll get there.
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