Looks I won't be back in the gym until Thursday - forgot about an appt. on Wed after work.
Decided last week I would try switching my DL style to sumo. I pulled 515 sumo about a month before the meet, and thats only 3 pounds off my heaviest last Sat. One of those "what the hell, why not" type experiments.
Warmed up w/empty bar squats, GMs, Front squat, RDL, Stepups
Speed sumos
140/8, 140/3, 190/4, 230/2 - warm ups
260/2 x 8 sets - easy enough, pretty fast. Looked like 1 sec up for each. Took 30-60 seconds between sets. Thought my lower back was more sore than it should be after. Don't know if it's working crazy OT Fri and Sat or not enough sleep or what. Will probably cut down to six sets next time. Plus cut down some of the warm up reps. Just wanted to get more familiar with the sumo pull.
Good morning
bar/5, 95/5, 135/5, 185/5, 225/5 - found today's 5RM on lasat set
Walking dumbbell lunge
40s/10 steps each
60s/11 ea, 10 ea - probably 1 rep short of failure on each set
Standing cable crunch
100/12, 150/2(too much!)+130/11, 130/9 (ME)
alternated w/sets of
Glute Ham Raises
5, 10
note: I do these at a lat pulldown station with my feet under the knee pads. Previously I held a hollow bar for balance. Just started doing them w/o it, and push off the floor w/my hands just enough to get going.
Calf Press
270/15, 11 (ME) - done on plate loaded leg press. Don't know how much the sled weighs
Time: 1hr, 7 min including warm up and stretching at end