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Thread: Beastmaster's log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Default Beastmaster's log

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I've been reading up on this forum as well as SS and Practical Programming from Rip. I have lifted weights on and off for about 7 years. Unfortunately, injuries, stalling points, and a recent lack of time have deterred me being able to work out as much as possible.

    I have been consistently going to the gym for the last couple of months and integrated the beginner's routine about 2-3 weeks ago. I'll post a link to my actual spreadsheet, that may be useful to others that are starting out from the bottom in a day or so.

    I had to modify my form and technique, since I realized how much I was lacking on most of my lifts. But, with that being said, my routine was as follows:

    3 days/week, with a four workout rotation, straight out of SS:

    1. BS 3X5; Press 3X5; DL 1X5
    2. BS 3X5; Bench Press 3X5; Pullups 3 sets to failure
    3. Same as 1
    4. BS 3X5; Bench Press 3X5; Chins 3 sets to failure

    Initial Weights for the work sets:
    Back Squat - 155 lbs
    Press - 115 lbs
    Bench Press - 145 lbs
    Deadlift - 185 lbs
    Chins/Pullups - around 3 reps, at best

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pittsburgh, PA


    I've attached workout spreadsheet. If anyone wants a copy, feel free. I have class tonight, but I may skip it so I can workout.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by beastmaster103 View Post
    I have class tonight, but I may skip it so I can workout.
    I've done that a lot in the past. =) I would go to class but i would get so eager to train that normally i dumped it.

  4. #4
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    Back Squat 45X5 130X5 165X4 200X2 235X5X3 (PR)
    BB Bench Press 45X5 110X5 140X4 170X2 200X5X3 (PR)
    Pullups 5,3,3

    Did some weighted hypers & situps as well. I'm looking forward to saturday and taking the squat to 240, press to 140, and deadlift to 285.

  5. #5
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    I am a little pissed that I missed a few days, but the personal life has been taxing.

    5X240X3 (3 sets) - PR - tough, but felt good. 245 for next workout.

    5X140X3 PR (3 sets) - I was unable to get the fifth rep on the third set...I am not sure if I'll take it up 5 lbs, or leave it alone for the next one.

    5X285 PR - It was tough, but I felt like I could do more...moving to 295 for next dead workout.

    weighted obliques

  6. #6
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    11/28/08 - Saturday

    Back Squat
    245 - 5 X 3 PR - These were tough, but I felt like I could have done one or two more reps on my last set.

    Bench Press
    205 - 5 X 3 PR - I was worried about these because I really struggled on my last set at 200 lbs., but was able to power the final set.

    5, 3, 3 - This is an improvement from the last workout involving chins, where I managed only 5, 2, 2...but I still have a ways to go.

    Weighted incline situps and reverse hypers afterword.

  7. #7
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    12/4/08 - Thursday

    I'm embarrassed to admit that I had not been to the gym since last Friday, but such is life...

    10 min warmup on the elliptical

    Back Squat - 250 - 5/5/5 PR! This was a major struggle, but I still felt like I could have pushed another rep out if I had to. I attribute it to the layoff between workouts.

    Press - 145 - 5/5/5 PR! - I took the advice of contrail and lowered the number of warmup reps ramping up to the work sets. The only rep that was tough was the fifth one on the third set.

    Deadlift - 295 - 5 PR! - This is always taxing, but I know I can do more. The hook grip absolutely destroys my thumbs, but I have no slippage on my grip during the work set. I may consider the alternate grip or straps, but at this point I'll stick with the hook, until I can no longer bear it. I can handle the sore thumbs - they usually feel 100% in a day or two, anyways.

    Did some oblique work on the hyper bench as well.

  8. #8
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    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by beastmaster103 View Post

    Deadlift - 295 - 5 PR! - This is always taxing, but I know I can do more. The hook grip absolutely destroys my thumbs, but I have no slippage on my grip during the work set. I may consider the alternate grip or straps, but at this point I'll stick with the hook, until I can no longer bear it. I can handle the sore thumbs - they usually feel 100% in a day or two, anyways.
    I'm having good success with the hook in the high 300's, and don't even feel the soreness anymore (unless I do something like a static hold), so I bet you can stick with the hook for a loong time. I personally also think the hook makes the actual deadlift easier, since the bar stays closer to your body.

  9. #9
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    Thanks Locutus - I'm shooting for 305 today.

    Saturday - 12/6/08 - I was not feeling it today. I overdid the oblique workout and my sides were burning with the smallest movement I made. In addition, I was sitting the wrong way on my couch while working on a take-home exam for grad school, and it absolutely made my back very sore. So, with that being said, I still tried out the workout, but struggled mightily with the back squat:

    Back Squat - 255 - 3/1/X - I was worried that I may do something stupid and hurt myself, so I stopped after 1 rep on the second work set. My side and lower back was sore, as well as a pain I had all the way down my right side of my right quad during each full squat. I'm shooting for 255 on Monday. And - BTW - I feel a lot better this morning, so it should be a successful workout.

    Bench - 210 - 5/5/5 - PR! The last rep was an extreme struggle, but I was able to lock out the elbows. Up to 215 next time...

    Pullups - 6/3/2. The first set was great - got my highest reps yet. It seemed to burn me out on the last two. Oh well, I'll hit it hard on Monday.

    I didn't do anything else because of my overall body pain in my obliques and lower back. It was pretty brutal at the time.

  10. #10
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    Pittsburgh, PA


    starting strength coach development program
    12/8/08 - Monday

    10 minute warmup on the treadmill

    Back Squat - This has been a struggle the last couple of weeks, but I was able to pull through. I am going to have to do one (or more things) in the future: eat more so that I have more fuel to burn or take greater rests between the work sets. 255 - 5/5/5 PR! These sets are pretty taxing and it takes me a while to complete five reps at this weight.

    Press - Banged this one out - another PR, and one of my favorite exercises. I haven't seen anyone else do this and I feel it is one of my strengths. 150 - 5/5/5. Last rep on last work set was tough - my whole body shook - literally - while I was able to lock elbows.

    Deadlift - another PR! This one, as anyone knows, is always tough, but rewarding. 305 - 5/5/5. Still maintaining the 10 lb jump per workout, which is nice. Although there was a dude opposite of me that DL'd somewhere around 550 or so. I was impressed - 5 plates on each side plus some small nickel and dimers. It's something to shoot for...I want to reach 500 on the dl...maybe 600 if I keep at it...for a WHILE.

    Did some weighted obliques with lighter weight than last time (so I won't be in such crippling pain) on the 45 degree hyper. I won't be back until Thursday - I've got the last two days of grad school classes before the break.

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