I'd like to give a shout out to the fine folks over at Dominion Strength, and also my prayers hoping they came through Milton okay.

Last week I finally ordered my Starting Strength belt. At the time I had no idea where Dominion Strength was located as I didn't see an address on their website. So last Wednesday I got a shipping notice from them that my belt was dropped off to the Post Office. I then noticed it was Edgewater, FL which was on the north edge of where Milton passed on the east coast, and this was the day the east coast of FL was being hit by the leading edge tornadoes. Now, considering this, I would've been perfectly happy and understanding if they had delayed processing and shipping my order until this next week or once everything is back up and running. But instead of that, and getting out of town ahead of time, it looks like they worked right up to the last minute and day and dropped off my belt the very afternoon Milton hit the state.

The belt should be here Tuesday according to USPS, and I look forward to getting it and replacing this lousy Dark Horse fitness belt. But I wanted to take a moment to say thank you Dominion for what I consider is going over and above what I or anyone would've expected of you, and hope all is well with everyone there.

Steve Cox